''It's hopeless, the end will come and wash it all away
Forsaken, I live for those I lost along the way
And I can't remember how it all began to break
You suffer, I live to fight and die another day ''
Breaking Benjamin - Fade Away
''Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand
Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me I've got a plan
When the lights go off you will understand''
Three Days Grace - Pain
Sunt printre preferatele mele.
M through with standing in line to clubs ill never get in its like the bottom of the ninth and im never gonna win this life hasnt turned out quite the way i want it to be(tell me what u want)i want a brand new house on an episode of cribs and a bathroom i can play baseball in and a king size tub big enough for 10 plus me(yeah so whatcha need)i need a credit card thats got no limit and a big black jet with a bedroom in it gonna join the mile high club at 37 thousand feet(been there done that)i want a new tour bus full of old guitars my own star on neely with boulevard somewhere between the cher and james dean is line for me(so how ya gonna do it)im gonna trade this life for fortune and fame ill even cut my hair and change my name cause we all just wanna be big rockstars and live in hilltop house driving 15 cars the girls come easy and the drugs come cheap well all stay skinny cause we just wont eat and well hang out in the coolest bars in the VIP with the movie star every good gold diggersgonna wing up there every playboy bunny with her bleach blonde hair hey hey i wanna be a rockstar oo well hey hey i wanna be a rockstar i wanna be great like elvis without the tassels hire 8 body guards that love to beat up hassels sign a couple autographs so i can eat my meals for free (ill have the quesadille ha ha) im gonna dress my a** with the latest fashion get a front door key to the play boy mansion gonna date a centerfold that loves to blow my money for me(so how ya gonna do it)im gonna trade this life for fortune and fame ill even cut my hair and change my name cause we all just wanna be big rockstars and live in hilltop house driving 15 cars the girls come easy and the drugs come cheap well all stay skinny cause we just wont eat and well hang out in the coolest bars in the VIP with the movie star every good gold diggersgonna wing up there every playboy bunny with her bleach blonde hair and well hang out in the private rooms and the latest dictionary and todays whos who theyll get you anything with that evil smile everybodys got a drug dealer on speed dial well hey hey i wanna be a rockstar oo well i wanna be a rockstar
And you bring me to my knees again
All the times that I could beg you please
In vain
All the times that I felt insecure
For you
And I leave my burdens at the door
But I'm on the outside
I'm looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
'Cause inside you're ugly
You're ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you
All the times that I felt like this won't end
It's for you
And I taste what I could never have
It was from you
All the times that I've cried
My intentions
Full of pride
But I waste more time than anyone
But I'm on the outside
And I'm looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
'Cause inside you're ugly
You're ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you
All the times that I've cried
All this wasted
It's all inside
And I feel all this pain
Stuffed it down
It's back again
And I lie here in bed all alone
I can't mend
But I feel tomorrow will be OK
But I'm on the outside
And I'm looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
Inside you're ugly
You're ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you
Si totusi e stare de veghe
Si totusi murim repetat
Si totusi mai cred in pereche
Si totusi ceva s-a-ntamplat
M`am astezat la masa cu prietenele mele
mi-am comandat o cafea si un suc de pere
Ai venit la noi m`ai salutat
M`am intors nu te-am bagat in seama si-ai pleCat
Ajung aCasa si primesC mesaj
Ma intrebi daca mai sunt in oras
Sunt acasa tocmai am intrat
Mai stau putin pe net, apoi ma bag in pat
E ciudat cum de m`ai sunat
Tu singur ai spus atunci ca s-a terminat
Vrei sa fim din nou impreuna?
Te`ai intors acum si ai vrea sa-ti spun te iubesc
Vreau sa fim din nou la fel cum am fost
Jur ca n-o sa mai gresesc
Vrei sa fii mai bun vrei sa ma iubesti dar mi-e greu
Jur ca m-am schimbat si n-am incetat sa te iubesc
Incerc sa-ti spun ca mi-ai lipsit atat de mult
M-am tot gandit la al nostrum ultim sarut
O bucata din mine ma amanetat
Vreo 2 luni am stat disperat nu steam ce sa fac
Sa te sun sa te las sa-ti vorbesc
Sa te caut degeaba nu te gasesc
La telefon, bat in usa nici pe net
Unde esti am nevoie de tine
Vreau sa`mi zambesti
Te`ai intors acum si ai vrea sa-ti spun te iubesc
Vreau sa fim din nou la fel cum am fost
Jur ca n-o sa mai gresesc
Vrei sa fii mai bun vrei sa ma iubesti dar mi-e greu
Jur ca m-am schimbat si n-am incetat sa te iubesc
"In lumea plina de urmari, eu sunt un om pe niste scari
In sus ce e? In jos nimic. In jos ce e? In sus nimic.
Vorbesc cu ceilalti care-au fost si-n sus si-n jos si unde zic,
Eu insumi spun de locurile pe unde-am fost nu e nimic"
Un om pe niste scari - Pasarea Colibri
Oamenii vin, raman, pleaca si nu-i poti judeca
Dar cand pleaca, pleaca cu-o bucata din inima ta
Imi amintesc de atatea, sincer chiar imi e dor
Pana si de momentele mele e credeam atunci ca dor
Inca am frisoane cand imi amintesc cum imi zicea
Azi sa raman, maine sa imi vad de drum
Dar am plecat cu capul sus din viata oricui, oricand
Chiar daca dupa colt imi vedeam sufletul plangand
Am frati apropiati, reci care-i simt departe
Am frati indepartati, calzi care-i simt aproape
Mai am atatea de facut, Tata nu ma lua la tine
Dar daca-i iei pe cei din inima mea. ia-ma si pe mine
Dansez cu pozele vechi, imi aud visele pe rand
Ca-i diferenta intre cine as vrea sa fiu si cine sunt
Nu mai cred in povesti, oricum povestea e clara
Daca nu sunt interese drumurile se separa
Scooby ft. Vescan - In ochii lor
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