1-Korn(11 Octombrie 2004)
2-Life is Peachy(15 Octombrie 1995)
3-Follow the Leader(18 August 1998)
4-Issues(16 Noiembrie 1999)
5-Untochbles(11 Iunie 2002)
6-Take a look in the mirror(25 Noiembrie 2003)
7-See you on the Other side(26 Decembrie 2005)
8-MTV Unplugget(6 Martie 2006)
9-Untitled(31 IUlie 2007)
10-Remember Who you are(31Iunie 2010)
* Korn (album) (1994)
* Life Is Peachy (1996)
* Follow the Leader (Korn album) (1998)
* Issues (album) (1999)
* Untouchables (album) (2002)
* Take a Look in the Mirror (2003)
* See You on the Other Side (2005)
* Albumul Korn fără nume (2007)
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