The Warped Tour is the largest travelling music festival in the United States. The tour is held in venues such as parking lots or fields upon which the stages and other structures are constructed prior to and for the duration of the event. The skateboard shoe manufacturer Vans, among others, has sponsored the tour every year since 1995, and it has been called the Vans Warped Tour since 1996. The tour began as a showcase for alternative and punk rock music, and in more recent years featured very diverse genres. It is the longest running touring music festival in North America.
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Ca sa-ti explic pe romana, adica sa incerc sa traduc eu cate ceva, e vorba de un fel de parada prin America, o parada de trupe care canta rock (In ultima vreme s`au diversificat genurile, adica sunt mai multe) Aici zice ca un skateboard-ar, si anume Vans a sponsorizat turneul asta si de atunci se numeste Vans Warped Tour.
un festival unde vin majoritatea trupelor ascultate de edgy teenagers gen pierce the veil si toate alea
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