Tokio Hotel- Break away, 1000 oceans, raedy set go, darkside of the sun, Down on you, final day, Forever now, Hey you, Human conect to human, Humanoid, Love and death, love is dead, moonson, noise, pain of love, raise your hands, scream (varianta in germana schrei), don't jump, strange(ft. kerli), that day
Paramore- Decode, Only exception, Ignorance, Adore, All we know, All i wanted, Another day, Born for this, Brick by boring brick, Breathe, Brighter, Crush crush, Careful, Circle, Emergency, Fences, Hello hello, Just like me, I caught myself, Lazy, Miracle, Number one, Until tomorrow, We are broken, When it rains
Creen day- Boulevard of broken dreams, american idiot, 21 guns, 21st century breakdown, All by myself, Are we the waiting, Android, Bored for life, Don't wanna fall in love, etc.
Guano Apes- Ain't got time, Big in japan, Candy love, Dick, Electric nights, etc.
Alte formatii rock: Evanescence, Three days grace, Linkin Park.
Avril Lavigne nu e rock:|
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