Daca saruturile sunt valuri/ Iti voi da o mare./Daca imbratisarile sunt raze/ Iti voi da un soare./ Daca prietenia ta e o stea/Iti voi darui toata galaxia /Pentru ea.(status)
melodii=andra-prietenie adevarata
Adda-prietenia adevarata
justus-te tin aproape
hi-cu-gasca mea
hi--asa-s prietenii
miley cyrus-true friend
demi lovato-gift to a friend
si preferata mea vitamin C - Graduation (Friends Forever)
sper sa iti placa
te pup :*
Melodiile pe care le stiu sunt mentionate dar stiu caea statusuri:
"Friends are the Angels that help you fly"
"True friends are the people who brighten your smile everytime your with them"
"Never look back...
Never regret...
Never remember
the people you've met.
Never begin...
And never end...
Never say never
when it comes to your friends"