Linkin Park, Three days grace, 3 dors down, red hot chili pappers, Led zeppelin, Acdc, Depeche Mode, Delphic, Paramore, Kings of Leon, Papa roach, Apocalyptica ( canta doar instrumental); hollywood undead; Sistem of a down; green day, thousand foot krutch etc
Punk - The Casualties, The Exploited, The Adicts, The Misfits, The Sex Pistols.
Emo nu ascult.
Rock - AC DC, Aerosmith, Drowning Pool, Evanescence, Godsmack, Guns N` Roses, Kiss, Linkin Park, Lordi, Nirvana, Pink Floyd etc...
Rock(in fine, poate nu chiar rock):
Trupa: The OFspring
Si nu stiu daca e necesar dar stiu citeva melodii (care imi plac):
1) Smile de Avril Lavigne
2) Here's To Never Growing Up de Avril Lavigne
3) We Are Here de Alicia Keys
4) When The Sun Goes Down de Selena Gomez
Sper ca am fost de ajutor!
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