Common-I used to love her
Scarface-I seem a man die
Nas- the world is yours
2Pac- Brenda`s got a baby
OutKast-Rosa Parks
2Pac-dear mama
Naughtty by nature- hip hop hooray
Dr. Dre-let me ride
Nas- One love
O. c- Time`s up
Public Enemy- give it up
Geto Bys- Mind playin` tricks on me
Big Punisher- Still not a player
UGK- pocket full of stones
Bitza- urmatorul pas
Bitza-10 degete
Bitza- In direct
Bitza- Cantecul si povestea lui
Bitza& Adrian Despot- Punk for life
Bitza- Dialog in fata postei
Bitza- Memento mori
Bitza- Sper ca n-o sa fiu eu
Bitza- vicii
Bitza- N-as fi vrut sa plec
CIA - Abuzuri
CIA- Sentiment suprem
CIA- Pass media
CIA- Ai nimanui
Guess who- eu, tu si restul` lumii
Guess who- special
Guess who-flori ilegale
Guess who -07. 03. 2006
Guess who-azi nu
Guess who-fericit
Guess who-nicio grija
Spike- 90 secunde din viata
Spike-ramanem prieteni
Spike&guess who-tu
Spike- Din inima
Ombladon- cheia de sub pres
Cheloo- fabricant de gunoaie
Cheloo- Daca eram
Cheloo - Aproape de perfectiune
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