Voltaj - Pic Pic
Elena Gheorghe- Ecou
Adrian Sina- Arde ceva
Giulia- Un om cu un pian
MefX feat. Maximilian - Spune-mi ce vrei
Delia- Doi in unu
Carla's Dreams feat. INNA - P.O.H.U.I.
What the...
Dumezeule, ce naiba IQ ai dacă nici nu ştii dacă ai scris corect un gen muzical?
Degeaba ne implicam in educarea cocalarilor nu ai cum asta e.
Haide să-i exterminăm.
Îl exilăm în Cocalaria
Dupa intrebarea asta vreau sa-mi bag crengi in ochi.
Ia d'aici!
In **** mea fiecare asculta ce vrea, daca ea nu asculta rock nu trebuie sa ii sariti in cap. cum nici voi nu ascultati alte genuri. Si de ce ii spuneti ''cocalar/a'' cand nici macar nu o cunoasteti
Si voi va credeti perfecti.
Adica vrei sa zici fara muzica buna off tu meriti sa fii arsa pe rug la fel ca toti colegii tai de breasla cocalari
Delia - Doi in unu ft. Mihai Bendeac
Bere Gratis - Fiecare sarut tine o viata
Voltaj - Pic Pic
CRBL feat. Ruby - Toata tara
Carolina Marquez feat. Flo Rida & Dale Saunders - Sing La La La
Andreea D - Magic Love
Cum poţi să întrebi de melodii noi, menţionând că nu vrei rock? You shoulda die.
Muzica Trance si Progressive. (Poate unii utilizatori o sa-ti mai de-a lista aceasta de melodii inca odata. Au furat-o de la mine. Cu siguranta ei nu stiu ce e aia muzica Trance. )
Uite o lista cu melodii de acest gen:
Alexander Popov feat. Kyler England - My World
Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This lights between us
Armin van Buuren feat. Ana Criado - I'll listen
Andrew Rayel feat Jano - How do I know
W&W feat. Bree - Nowhere to go
W&W feat. Ana Criado - Three O'Clock
Emma Hewitt - Miss you paradise
Emma Hewitt - Foolish Boy
Emma Hewitt - Colours
Emma Hewitt - Rewind
W&W - Lift Off!
W&W & Ummet Ozcan - The Code
W&W & Armin van Buuren - D# Fat
W&W - Moscow
W&W & Marcell Woods - Trigger
Orjan Nilsen - Burana
Orjan Nilsen - So long radio
Husman - E.D.M.
Husman - Memories of you
Husman - Break down
Rick Mitchells - Nasty
Rick Mitchells - Sub Zero
Ferry Corsten - Check it out
Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Medelson - Better half of me
Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Medelson - World falls apart
Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Disarm youself
Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting
Fedde Le Grand - So much love
W&W - Shotgun
W&W - White Label
W&W - AK47
W&W - Alpha
Armin van Buuren & Ferry Corsten - Brute
Sander van Doorn - Chasin'
Sander van Doorn - Koko
Sander van Doorn & Adrian Lux - Eagles
Sander van Doorn - Nano
Sander van Doorn - Beyond Sound
Sander van Doorn feat Mayaeni - Nothing Inside
Wezz Devall - We are the future
Wezz Devall - Stadium
Wezz Devall - Kill of the year
Omnia - Infina
Beat Service - Fortuna
Beat Service - Impulse
Max Graham - F.Y.C.
Skytech - No Need For Words
Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash – Reload
Kill The Buz - Party Hard
Jjoo - One Night In Seoul
David Dann ft Julia Price - Last Time (Mauri Mora Remix)
Orjan Nilsen - Burana
Bart Claessen - King of Kongs
Aqua & Arctic - E2W
Juventa - Metamorphose (Club Mix)
Bobina - The Space Track (Andrew Rayel Stadium Remix)
Inpetto - Shhh (Sander van Doorn Edit)
Gareth Emery ft Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Craig Connelly Remix)
Ost & Meyer - Argent
Tomas Heredia - The Journeyum
Pana Dimineata-Elena Gheorghe
Applause-Lady Gaga
Heart Attack-Demi Lovato
Someone Else-Miley Cyrus
Slow Down-Selena Gomez
Sucka for you-nu mai stiu cine o canta
1. Elena feat. Glance - Ecou
2. Khaled - C`est la vie
3. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop Feat. Wanz
4. Smiley & Alex Velea - Dincolo de cuvinte
5. Carla`s Dreams feat. INNA - P.O.H.U.I.
6. Cabron - Iarna pe val (feat. What`s Up & Iony)
7. Antonia - Marabou
8. Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire ft. Nicki Minaj
9. Corina feat. Pacha Man - Pernele moi
10. Voltaj - Pic Pic
11. D`Banj - Oliver Twist
12. J. Yolo - Te pup, Pa Pa!
13. Connect-R & Cortes - Vedeta mea
14. Guess Who - Onoare
15. Delia - Doi in unu ft. Mihai Bendeac
16. Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day/Reckoning Song
17. CRBL feat. Ruby - Toata tara
18. Rihanna - Diamonds (videoclip)
19. J Balvin - Tranquila
20. Deepcentral - O stea
21. Anda Allexa - Fara Tine
22. CRBL feat. Adda - Petre
23. Dj Bigice & OUTFFIT - Spune-mi
24. Andreea Banica feat. What`s Up - In lipsa ta
25. Faydee ft. Lazy J - Laugh Till You Cry
26. Matteo - Amandoi
27. Sore & Mihai Ristea - Beautiful Life
28. Adrian Sina - Arde Ceva
29. Low Deep T - Casablanca
30. F.Charm feat. Delia - Aproape de tine
31. Major Lazer - Get Free ft. Amber
32. Loredana - Apa (feat Cabron) (videoclip)
33. Alina - Tu esti vara mea
34. Red Blonde - BLL ( Be Le Le ) feat. Krem
35. The Marker ft. Silviu Pasca - 6 Vieti
36. Smiley & Alex Velea feat. Don Baxter - Cai verzi pe pereti
37. Marquess & Jessica D feat. Jimmy Dub - Beso
38. Crush + Alexandra Ungureanu - Nu am aripi
39. Stefan Banica Feat Marius Moga - Ce e dragostea?
40. Tibi Scobiola feat. Speak - Dragostea (La Radio)
41. Delia - Ia-ma de mana
42. Bedouin Soundclash - Brutal Hearts
43. Morandi - Everytime We Touch
44. Inna - More than friends
45. Anda Adam - Amo
46. What`s Up feat. Andra - K la Meteo
47. Skizzo Skillz - Smecherarau feat KEO
48. Speak feat. Brighi & Cabron - Prada de razboi
Mie mi le plac foarte mult sper sa iti placa si tie :)
Poate scriai langa link si ce mel eset ca sa nu mai apas pe fiecare.
Sore & Dorian - Save Me (piesa originala)
Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera - Feel This Moment.
Ralflo - Si Asta-i Tot
OVI feat. JO (Ioana Anuta) - Nimeni
Andreea Banica feat. What's Up - In lipsa ta
Carla's Dreams feat. INNA - P.O.H.U.I.
Dj Asher & ScreeN feat. George Hora - Ultima oara
F.Charm feat. Xonia - Hey Woman
INNA - Fall In Love Lie
Free Deejays - LaYa
Sper sa-ti placa!
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