Rihanna - What's my name?
30 second to mars - Hurricane
TAXI - Cele două cuvinte
Miley Cyrus- Stay
Usher - Dj got us falling in love
Chriss (JustUs) feat Allexandra - Strig spre tine
James Blunt - Wisemen
Shontelle - Impossible
Madcon - Freaky Like Me
We Are The Fallen - Bury Me Alive
Lady Sovereign - Love Me or Hate Me
The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name
Rihanna - Cry
Sper sa iti placa, m-am chinuit ceva sa le scriu :))
Take care :*
Rihanna - Unfaithful
Rihanna-hate that i love you ft ne-eu
enrique iglesias-hero
enrique iglesias-eddicted
Yuna Ito-Endless story (English Lyric)
luky twince-I'm so Lucky Lucky
Nightcore-Dam Da Di Do
Nightcore - Another Night
Nightcore-Me and my lover-Yuna
miley cyrus-i'll always remember you
Fundaa ?
01.Lady Gaga
Bad romance
02.Dan Balan
Chica Bomb
Tik Tok
Beat Again
05.Jay Ko, Anya
06.David Guetta, Akon
Sexy Chick
07.Timbaland, SoShy
Morning after dark
08.Andreea Banica, Dony
09.Jason Derulo
Whatcha Say
In love
11.Guess Who
Locul potrivit
12.Cheryl Cole
Fight for this love
13.Jay-Z, Alicia Keys
Empire state of mind
14.Jay Sean, Lil Wayne
Video phone
16.Adrian Sana, Vivien O'Hara
Too late to cry
According to you
18.Taio Cruz
Break your heart
Oopsy Daisy
Russian Roulette
Si mai stiu cateva:
Andra&ady korekt-colt de suflet
Cherish&young joc-killa
Dj Ryno&Sylvia-fantasy of love
Alex-jurnalul unei fete
Andra-vointa de femeie
Beyonce-upgrade you
Bogdan dima&puya-Ti-a placut
Brick and Lace-bad to di bone
Britney spears-if you seek amy
Destiny's Child-brown eyes
Celia-povestea mea
Kesha-tik tok
Ciara-G is for a girl
Ciara-1,2 step
Crush&Alexandra ungureanu-hello
Dan Balan-chica bomb[Probabil te-ai saturat de ea...]
Dj Sava&Raluka-September
Ely&puya,George hora-domnisoara din Timisoara
J.timberlake-cry me a river
J.timberlake-summer love
Melanie Fiona-give it to me right
Nelly furtado&timbaland-promiscuous
Puya&alex-doamna si vagabondul
Roxy Rocks-mr right
Sugababes-get sexy
Timbaland&soshy,n.furtado-morning after dark
The pussicat dolls-butons
Shakira&lil wayne-give it up to me
Tyson Kuteyi - Just BE Yourself
Anahi - Mi Delirio
Akon ft. Keri Hilson - Oh Africa
Jay Sean - War
Kesha - Tik Tok
Pee Wee si Belinda - Quien
Carlos Baute y Marta Sanchez - Colgando En Tus Manos
Thalia y Aventura - No, no , no
Belinda - Sal de mi piel
Dj Project - Doua anotimpuri
Mecena- Lasa-ma sa cred
Anne Marie-Imi pare rau
Crazy Win - Spunem adio
Celia- Povestea mea
Level 3 & Cristina - Asculta-ti inima
Mandy Moore - Only Hope
Drew Seeley and Selena - Classic
Akcent ft. Alexa - Lacrimi
Andra - Bye bye Baby
Blat Jargon Silviu Nico Puya - Sa-mi porti numele
David Bisbal - Cuidar nuestro amor
Dead by April - In my arms
Directia 5 - Daca ai sti
Honey ft. Shobby - Inceteaza odata
Jessica Simpson - Irresistible
Voltaj - Cer si Pamant
Parazitii - Vrei bani ( 17 )
Miley cyrus-when i look at you
miley cyrus-the climb
rihana-russian roulette
alex-doar ea
celine dion and WILL.I.AM. -eyes on me
flo rida-stet up
celine dion-i love you
andreea balan -aparente
andreea balan-libera la mare
chris de bourg-lady en red
puya-domnisoara din timisoara
kesha-tik tok
lady gaga-eh eh eh
lady gaga -bad romance
lady gaga-love game
david guetta and akon-sexy beach
conect-r-burning love
pitbull-hotel room service
guess who-locul potrivit
florin chilian-chiar daca
florin chilian-10
jhonas brothers and miley cyrus and selena gomez and demi lovato-send it one
3 Sud Est - Alaturi de ingeri
Anda Adam - My love on you
Andra - Colt de suflet
Beyonce - Sweet dreams
Dj Project & Giulia - Nu
Kat Deluna - Love Confusion
Kat Deluna - In the end
Jay Sean - Down
Jaar Project - Oda ochiilor tai
Kesha - Tik Tok
Pee Wee - Tan Feliz
Pixie Lott - Cry me out
Rihanna - Rude boy
Rihanna - Te amo
Rihanna - Take a bow
Smiley - Plec pe marte
Voltaj - Cutia cu vise
Voltaj - Cer si pamant
De dragoste:
If you wanna touch her, ask - Shania Twain
From this moment on - Shania Twain
Forever and for always - Shania Twain
Where does my heart beat now - Celine Dion
When I fall in love - Celine Dion
To love you more - Celine Dion
The power of love - Celine Dion
The first time ever I saw your face - Celine Dion
Tell him - Celine Dion
Seduces me - Celine Dion
Only one lifetime - Celine Dion
My heart will go on - Celine Dion
Make you happy - Celine Dion
Love can move mountains - Celine Dion
Let's talk about love - Celine Dion
I'm your angel - Celine Dion
I want you to need me - Celine Dion
It's all coming back to me now - Celine Dion
I love you - Celine Dion
I hate you then i love you - Celine Dion
If you asked me to - Celine Dion
If that's what it takes - Celine Dion
I don't know - Celine Dion
Have you ever been in love - Celine Dion
Falling into you - Celine Dion
Dreaming of you - Celine Dion
Declaration of love - Celine Dion
Because you loved me - Celine Dion
All the way - Celine Dion
All by myself - Celine Dion
Un alt inceput - Compact
Intoarce-te acasa - Compact
Calator spre infinit - Compact
Jocul ielelor - Compact
Da-mi o veste - Compact
Mi-e tare dor de tine - Compact
O noapte si-o zi - Compact
Cantec pentru prieteni - Compact
A fost o data - Iris
Ana - Vama Veche
Nu ma uita - Iris
Baby - Iris & Felicia Filip
De vei pleca - Iris & Felicia Filip
Vara asta - Vama Veche
Dragostea - Vama Veche
Iubeste - Vama Veche
18 ani - Vama Veche
Please forgive me - Bryan Adams
Straight from the heart - Bryan Adams
Do i have to say the words? - Bryan Adams
Here i am - Bryan Adams
Baby when you're gone - Bryan Adams
Run to you - Bryan Adams
Have you ever really loved a woman? - Bryan Adams
Everything i do, i do it for you - Bryan Adams
All my loving - Beatles
All you need is love - Beatles
Can't buy my love - Beatles
Oh! darling - Beatles
Yesterday - Beatles
She loves you - Beatles
In these arms - Bon Jovi
Love is war - Bon Jovi
Lonely at the top - Bon Jovi
Keep the faith - Bon Jovi
Hardest part is the night - Bon Jovi
Fields of fire - Bon Jovi
Every word was a piece of my heart - Bon Jovi
Does anybody really fall in love anymore - Bon Jovi
Bed of roses - Bon Jovi
Bad medicine - Bon Jovi
Always run to you - Bon Jovi
Always - Bon Jovi
All about loving you - Bon Jovi
Luna - Taxi
Jumatatea mea - Taxi
Cineva inaintea ta - Taxi
Esti mireasa vietii mele - Ovidiu Komornic
Ti-am dat un inel - Holograf
Sa nu-mi iei niciodata dragostea - Holograf
Te voi iubi - Holograf
Romeo si Julieta - Holograf
Nu am iubit pe nimeni - Holograf
Inima mea nu e intreaga daca nu esti tu - Holograf
Am ramas doar noi - Holograf
Pe net - Animal X
Da-mi clipa - Andra
Cand plang tu simti - Andra
Dragostea ta - Andra
Iubirea-i peste tot - Ana Maria
Sa daruiesc - Ana Maria
Poti pleca - Ana Maria
Ochii tai - Ana Maria
Vocea de la radio - Alina Sorescu
Zvonuri - Alina Sorescu
N-as fi crezut - Alina Sorescu
In fata ta - Alina Sorescu
Te iubesc - Alina Sorescu
Tot ce am - Alexandra
Oriunde ai fi - Akustic
Iubeste-ma - Akustic
S-ajung o stea - Akcent
O raza de iubire - Akcent
Mi-esti draga - Akcent
Da-mi un tel - Akcent
Cel mai dulce cadou - Akcent
O dorinta - Adelline
Noros Cecer - Mircea Vintila
O singura noapte - Adrian Enache
Mi-esti draga - Akcent
Te voi iubi la noapte - Fuego
Doare inima - Morometzii
Ani de liceu - Stefan Banica Jr.
Pe cine si cate carari - Ducu Bertzi
Nu regret - Ducu Bertzi
Daca ai vrea - Ducu Bertzi
M-am indragostit numai de ea - Ducu Bertzi
Floare de colt - Ducu Bertzi
Amurg de iubire - Stefan Hrusca
Fuga din Rai - Stefan Hrusca
O singura noapte - Adrian Enache
Privirea ta - Parlament
Noaptea este ziua mea - K-risma
Atat de aproape - Directia 5
Esti ingerul meu - Directia 5
Daca ai stii - Directia 5
Cu tine sa zbor - Directia 5
Esti mireasa vietii mele - Ovidiu Komornyk
Frumoasa mea - Marcel Pavel
Doar cu tine - Mandinga
Dragostea din tei - O-Zone
Hei ha, inima mea - Haiducii
A fost iubire - Madalina Manole
Dincolo de noapte e zi - Nicola
Saruta-ma si taci - AndreEa
Dor de tine, dor de noi - Hi-Q
Floare de colt - Ducu Bertzi
Mi-ai luat inima - Proconsul
Mesaj de dragoste - Cristina
Camasa cea de rai - Victor Socaciu
Poveste - Stefan Banica jr
Gaseste-mi loc in inima ta - Stefan Banica jr
Te iubesc - Stefan Banica jr
Iubeste-o sincer - Stefan Banica jr
O noapte cu tine - Sanda Ladosi
Mereu impreuna - President
Prima zapada - Proconsul
Povestea noastra - Proconsul
Doua lacrimi - Parlament
Privirea ta - Parlament
Tot pe ea - Parlament
Cat te iubesc - Ovidiu Komornic
Maria, Maria - Ovidiu Komornic
Te vreau langa mine - Marcel Pavel
Unde esti - Marcel Pavel
Nostalgie - Hara
Zapaceste-ma - Angel
Speram sa fii tu - Angel
O singura noapte - Adrian Enache
E atat de bine - Adrian Enache
Cerul a plans - Hi Q
Poveste - Stefan Banica Jr.
Vorbe-n vant - Stefan Banica Jr.
Iubirea noastra - Vasile Seicaru
De ziua ta - Talisman
Amurg de iubire - Stefan Hrusca
Adio, deci pe curand - Pasarea Colibri
Luna in camp - Nicu Alifantis
Emotie de toamna - Nicu Alifantis
Nu ma intreba - Nicu Alifantis
Ti-am dat un inel - Holograf
Undeva departe - Holograf
Sa nu-mi iei niciodata dragostea - Holograf
Ochii tai - Holograf
Cine - Hara
Vreau - Hara
Lasa - Hara
Durere fara sfarsit - Akcent
Nu refuza dragostea - Akcent
Cerul - Proconsul
Unele sunt mai vechi:
1. Dan Balan - Chica bomb
2. Dj Layla and Dee dee - Planet mars
3. Inna - Left right
4. Jason Derulo - Whatcha say
5. One Republic - All the right moves
6. Selena Gomez and The Scene - Naturally
7. Jayko - Crazy
8. Britney Spears feat. Lil Wayne - Bad girl
9. Shakira feat. Lil Wayne and Timbaland - Give it up to me
10. Neylini - Play me
11. Tommy Guitar feat. P Carrilho and Karina May - Emotion beat
12. Lady Gaga - Monster
13. Britney Spears - Unsual you
14. Liviu Hodor and Tara - Happy for you
15. Andreea Balan - Superwoman
16. Calvin Harris - Flashback
17. Paul Daniel feat. Bogdan Ioan - I just wanna love you
18. Dj Layla and Alissa - Butterfly
19. Kesha - Tik tok
20. Lady Gaga and Beyonce - Video phone
21. Cheryl Cole and - 3 words
22. Miley Cyrus - Party in the U.S.A
23. Britney Spears - 3
24. David Deejay feat. Dony - Kiss the deejay
25. Ian Carey - Red light
26. Christian Malloni - Aqua ardiente
27. Deea Wise - My love
28. Tom Boxer feat. Antonia - Morena my love
29. No Doubt - Hey baby
30. Ashley Tisdale - He said she said
31. Jls - Beat again
32. Cheryl Cole - Fight for this love
33. Dj Layla and Dee dee - City the sleeping heart
34. Phelipe - One
35. Nick Kamarera feat. Phelipe - Reason for love
36. Selena Gomez feat. The Scene - Falling down
37. Selena Gomez - Tell me something i don't know
38. Ciara - Click flash
39. Ana Maria Ferentz - She-s not over you (iubesc melodia asta)
40. Christina Aguilera - Keeps getting better
Amanda Seyfried- Little House
Selena Gomez - Naturally
Miley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A.
Miley Cyrus - Dedicate "When I Look At You"
Timbaland - Morning After Dark ft. Nelly
Timbaland - Carry Out ft. Justin Timberlake
Timbaland - If We Ever Meet Again ft. Katy Perry
Timbaland - Apologize ft. OneRepublic
OneRepublic - Stop And Stare
Esmée Denters - Outta Here
Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris
Justin Bieber - Never Let You Go
Rihanna - Rude Boy
Rihanna - Russian Roulette
Ne-Yo - Closer
50 Cent - Baby By Me ft. Ne-Yo
Jason Derulo - Whatcha Say
Lady GaGa - Telephonne
Cascada - Because The Night
kerli - walking on air
Raluca - Vreau sa-ti spun...
Puya - teoria furaciunii
no7 - here i am high definition
Teasta - anti-manele
Teasta & Laura - Langa tine
Teasta & Laylow - mai mult decat.
Teasta - viata mea
Teasta - micutele de voi
Acoustic - el si ea
Ali Star - speranta moare ultima
Ali Star - Un strain
Ali Star - as face orice
Blaxy Girls - si totusi
Blaxy Girls - Dear mama
Cinema Bizarre - i don't belive
Cinema Bizarre - after the rain
MR & MS - Dragostea e o parte din noi
Dan Balan - Te-am Visat
Dan Balan- Timpul Trece Fara Noi
Avril Lavigne - Complicated
JAAR PROJECT - Oda ochilor tai
Akcent ft. Alexa - Lacrimi
Taylor Swift - Love Story
Arash- Pure Love feat.Helena
Camp Rock- This is me [Slow version]
Cascada - Everytime We Touch (Slow)
Dan Balan - Despre Tine Cant
O-Zone - Despre Tine
O-Zone - Oriunde ai fi
Rihanna - Te Amo
Voltaj - Vara Trecuta
Dj andi feat. stela- freedom
la roux-in for the kill
Deepside Deejays - Zummer
Armando feat. Dee Dee and Liviu M.C. - 7even
Akcent - Happy People, Happy Faces
Alex & Puya - Secret Discret
Arash - Always (feat. Aysel)
Celia My Story
Dj Sava & Raluk - September
Fabio Da Lera - Dancing Girl
Eddy Wata My Dream
Cristiano - Feel you
Cristina Spatar - Bye bye
Adela-hai sa iertam
celia-povestea mea
katy pery-thinking of you
vama-pe sarma
mariah carey-bye bye
jay sean-maybe
play and win-only
lady gaga-eh eh
animal x -sambure de drac
bon jovi-always
daniel merriweather-red
fly project-unisex
connecte-nu-ti pierde dragostea
keo -ploua cu lacrimi
Lady Gaga-brown eyes
Christina Aguilera-Save me from myself
Christina Aguilera-hurt
Justin Timberlake-chop me up
Mariah Carey-My all
Marriah Carey-I'll be there
Michael Jackson-give in to me
Michael Jackson-dirty diana
Michael Jackson-bille jean
M.J.-smooth Criminal
Ashley Tisdale-hot mess
Jonas Brothers-Paranoid
Dj AlexUnder Basse-privacy
Mariah Carey-I'll be there
Directia 5 - Decembrie.
Directia 5 - In niciun caz.
Directia 5 - Dac-ai sti.
Elena Gheorghe - Pana la stele.
Ela Rose
HI-Q - Lose You.
Parazitii - De ziua ta (cu dedicatie pentru toti taranii din Romania).
Michael Buble - Crazy little thing called love.
Michael Buble - L.O.V.E.
Akcent - jocero.
Akcent - That's my name.
Leona Lewis - Run.
James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado- You make me feel.
James Morrison - Broken Strings.
Talisman (cam toate melodiile).
Ne-Yo - Miss Independent.
Crush feat Alexandra Ungureanu - Aprinde dragostea.
Andreea Banica - Fiesta,Le ri ra.
Krypton - Lasa-mi speranta.
Ana-Maria - 3 secunde.
Dana Nalbaru - Am visat ca zbor.
Gene Kelly - Singing in the rain.
Have you ever seen the rain .
Robbie Williams feat Nicole Kidman.
Atb - The Chosen One.
Atb - Believe in me.
Jason Mraz - Lucky.
Madonna - Give it 2 me.
Stefan Banica Jr. - Doar odata-i Craciunul.
Sam Sparro - Black and Gold.
Frank Sinatra - New York.
Take That - Shine.
Atb - You're not alone.
Monica Anghel.
Kid Rock - All sumer long.
Florida - Right round
LLP feat Chriss-t - I miss you
Stereosonic - Please stop me
Neylini - Muleine
Cris Brown - Forever
Cris Brown - Shine for me
Trey Songz - I need a girl
Mariah Carey (feat. Akon , Lil Wayne) - Bye bye
Jay Sean - Down
Deea Wise - My Love (by The Kid and Dony)
David Deejay feat. Dony - Sexy love
Narcotic Sound and Christian D - Hope
Narcotic Sound - Suena
Nick Kamarera and Deepside Deejays - Hold you
Morris feat. Play and Win - Till the morning light
Roller Sis - Se thelo
LIp feat. Chris-T - I miss you
Play & Win - Beautiful day
Play & Win - Summertime
AlexUnder Base feat. Frissco - Privacy
Morandi - Colors
Laurentiu duta - visator :X
hi-Q - lose you
chriss & john puzzle - i miss you
pink - please don't leave me
dj andi & voxis - to the moon
play & win - slow motion
play & win - only
dj jungle - far away
eduard maya & alicia - stereo love
Claudia5788 întreabă: