Alexandra Shine - Moscow
Admiral P - Kallenavn
Dj Yaang - Deasupra tuturor
Sonny Flame - Boom Boom Room feat. Kenno
Sore feat. Alex Velea - Boy Boy
Rivera Feat. Amna & Obie-P - Hey Ho
Xonia - Remember
Natalie Toma feat CRBL - O noua zi
Adrian Tutu Feat. Nicola - Cum ar fi
Shift - Lejer
Skizzo Skillz feat Karie - Biniditat
What`s Up feat. Andra - K la Meteo
Arash feat. Sean Paul - She Makes Me Go
Horia Brenciu - My Way
Christu - Neah feat Doc, Cedry2k, J Yolo
Zhao - Bani din cer (feat. Adda)
Mossano - Una Serenada
Mattyas - Remember
Lala Band - Dance Dance Dance
Taxi - Esti iubibila
Dee-Dee - Nu Vreau sa Aud De Altcineva (Ai-Ai-Ai)
JerryCo - Oriunde, Oricand (feat. Tataee & Mario V)
Alexandra Shine - Play That Game
Like Chocolate - Mr. Celentano
Viky Red - Just For You
Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Hot Casandra - Julia
Michel Telo - Bara Bara
Delia - Africana
Ellie White - Ziua Mea
Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Love Letter
Andreea D - So Real
Connect-R - Summer is Gone
Dony - Passion
Lavinia - Honey Boy
Bogdan Medvedi - Suflete Pereche
Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Serenata
Sunrise Inc - Toate femeile pleaca
Michel Telo si Sorriso Maroto - E Nois Faze Parapapa
Tony Ray feat. Gianna - Chica Loca
Vama - Epidemie de iubire
Animal X - Povestea noastra
Cabron feat. Pacha Man & Jazzy Jo - Arata-le la toti
Eli feat. George Hora - Studenta
Doi Deejay - Mango Tep
Te pup!
Connect-r - love is the way
reea - come and get my love
Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Serenata
Anda Adam- Say Goodbye
Anca badiu - hello
ruxandra bar - chocolate
amna - feel alone
dony - passion
mia martina - go crazy
Like Chocolate - Mr Celentano
Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Love Letter
ruby - stinge lumina
xonia - remember
dee-dee - nu vreau sa aud de altcineva
mattyas - remember
mai multe gasesti aici: http://www.roclubhits.com/
What's Up feat. Andra - K la Meteo
Taxi - Eşti iubibilă
Ruby- Stinge lumina
Delia - Africana
Morena - Hey (feat Tom Boxer)
Natalie Toma feat CRBL - O noua zi
Ami - Trumpet Lights
Sonny Flame - Boom Boom Room feat. Kenno
Xonia - Remember
Alle - Goodbye
Donk feat. Nadine - Impreuna
SH! FT- Lejer
Goodbye To Gravity - The Cage
Ia d-aici:
Fjord - Lost
All Time Low - Somewhere In Neverland
Gojira - Explosia
HIM - Strange World (KE Cover)
Parkway Drive - Dark Days
This Or The Apocalypse - In Wolves
Billy Talent - Surprise Surprise
The Sorrow - Perspectives
Morphix - Phoenix (burn the world)
Sursa: www.metalhead.ro