If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple, leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
I'm within my mind and I know there's no equal
When I'm fallin out eu they pull me back in
It was long ago and we were younger so
And our lives we part wrote
Feel it, feeling Yeah
And i remember everyday, sometimes it's too much to take
I break down, without no heartache
And i mean it, and i mean it
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple, leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
I'm live in my mind and I know there's no equal
When I'm fallin out eu they pull me back in
They say we've had fun but let this go
Music don't go deep but no
we think we could help this world if only we try
but we grow up, at least that's what they say
We cant do this when we pray, but I tell myself everyday that none of that applies
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple, leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
I live in my mind and I know there's no equal
When I'm fallin out eu they pull me back in
All i really need, is all i have ever seen
Only thing works for me is to feel it, feeling
And when we turn to leave and others turn to be
its always on my sleeve
and I mean it, and I mean it
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple, leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people, I would do it over and over again
I live in my mind and I know there's no equal
When I'm fallin out eu they pull me back in
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