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Steal a soul for a second chance,
But you will never become a man.
My chosen torture makes me stronger
In a life that craves the hunger,
A Freedom and a quest for life
Until the end of the judgement night
Bless me with your gift of light,
Righteous cause on judgment nights.
Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed,
Feel the freedom like no tomorrow.
Stepping forth, a cure for souls demise.
Reap the tears of the victim's cries.
Yearning more to hear the suffer (of a)
Of a demon as I put it under.
Kill before a time to kill them all
Passed down the righteous law.
Serve a justice that dwells in me,
Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see!
The eye can see!
The eye can see!
The eye can see!
The eye can see!
The eye can see!
Bless me with the
Leaf off of the tree,
On it, I see
The freedom reign.
We are falling,
The light is calling.
Tears inside me
Calm me down.
Midnight calling,
Mist of resolving.
Crown me with the
Pure green leaf.
Praise to my father, Life of vengeance, a passive test
Blessed by the water. Until the grave, I will rest.
Black night, dark sky, Engage the pressure until it crumbles
The devil's cry. The existence of lifeless black souls.
Bless me with the Onward, to the sacred battlefield,
Leaf off of the tree, Where justification and limits are revealed.
On it, I see Tools of steel, in rage they conquer,
The freedom reign. Weed out, the killing of victim's stalker.
We are falling, The powers proven to end the madness
The light is calling. Upon I, take it to end the savage,
Tears inside me The rays of light, a truth of meaning
Calm me down. To my father, the blood is pleading.
Midnight calling, A justice rage for all to feel,
Mist of resolving. With innocent cries and hatred squeals.
Crown me with the The gore of evil seems to satisfy,
Pure green leaf. When slain and maimed and pacified.
Bless me with the My chosen torture makes me stronger
Leaf off of the tree, In a life that craves the hunger,
On it, I see A Freedom and a quest for life
The freedom reign. Until the end, the judgment night.
Praise to my father, Watch the footsteps, but never follow
Blessed by the water. If you want to live tomorrow.
Black night, dark sky, Steal a soul for a second chance,
The devils cry. But you will never become a man.
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