Three days grace - I hate everything about you
Slipknot - Spit it out
Apocalyptica ft Adam Gontier - I don`t care
Brokencyde - Freaxxx
Linkin parca - Faint
System of a down - *** the system
Slipknot - Duality
Three days grace - Break
Brokencyde - Bree bree
System of a down - Byob
Boys like girls - Love drunk
Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane
Bullet for my valentine - Waking the demon
Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine
Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames
Drowning Pool - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours
Halestorm - I Get Off
Hoobastank - Out Of Control
Korn - Word Up
Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog
Limp Bizkit - Rollin`
Lordi - Hard rock Hallelujah
Lost Prophets - Wake Up
Motorhead- Rock Out
Scars Of Life - Bullet with your name
Slipknot - Before I forget
Slipknot - Dead Memories
Slipknot - People=Shit
Slipknot - Left Behind
Three Days Grace - Riot
Bullet For My Valentine - All these things I hate revol
Bullet For My Valentine - Scream aim fire
Cargo - Ziua Vrajitoarelor
Disturbed - Forsaken
Evanescence Ft. Linkin Park - Wake Me Up Inside
Linkin Park - Figure 09
Linkin Park - From the inside
Ok... iti dau cu tot cu video :)
1.escape the fate - you are so beautiful
2. escape the fate - my apocalypse
3.escape the fate -there's no sympathy for dead
4.escape the fate - the guillotine
5.escape the fate - 10 miles wide
6.escape the fate - this war is ours
7.escape the fate - not good enough for truth or cliche
8.escape the fate - the flood
9. bullet for my valentine - tears dont fall
10. burzum - - Lost Wisdom
11. burzum -Han Som Reiste
12. burzum -Svarte Troner
stiu mai multe :P dar lenea e mare :| sorry doar atatea iti pot da azi... poate mai pun maine
Linkin parca in the end intri pe linkul asta zilnic
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