Daca te referi la cele din wrestling:John cena:5 nackel shappel(nu sunt sigur ca se scrie asa); Batista:Spear,
Spine-buster; Randy Orton:backbraker; Shawn Michaels:Arm trap crossface
Backhand chop
Belly to back suplex
Diving elbow drop,
Figure four leglock
Flying forearm smash followed by a kip-up
Inverted atomic drop
Skin the cat
Slingshot crossbody; Undertaker:Big boot
Corner clothesline
Dragon sleeper
Fujiwara armbar
Guillotine leg drop onto the chest of an apron hung opponent
No-handed over the top rope suicide dive
Old School (Arm twist ropewalk chop)
Reverse STO
Running DDT
Running jumping leg drop
Running Flying lariat
Sidewalk slam; Kane:Back body drop
Big boot
Corner clothesline
Diving clothesline
Falling powerbomb
Military press drop, Running low-angle dropkick to a seated opponent, sometimes initiated by a scoop slam
Tilt-a-whirl slam
Two-handed chokelift
Uppercut; Edge:Edgecution / Impaler DDT (Lifting DDT, sometimes dropped into a sitout position)
Big boot
Camel clutch
Diving crossbody
Edge–O–Matic (Sitout rear mat slam)
Electric chair drop
Half nelson bulldog
Inverted DDT
Missile dropkick
Russian legsweep; Big Show:Abdominal stretch
Big boot
Cobra clutch backbreaker, sometimes segued into a cobra clutch or thrown into a twisting slam
Elbow drop
Final Cut (Spinning inverted headlock elbow drop)
Military press slam
Open-handed chop to a cornered opponent's chest, performed after shushing the audience so they can hear the impact
Reverse powerbomb
Corner slingshot splash
Sidewalk slam
Stink Face. Sper ca te-am ajutat.
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