Hey there ladies there's a dog in the building, Beware. Beware He prowls on the good girls.
Dap e aia cu britney spears beware dati click pe ultimul link de la raspunsuri aia e:]:*:d iti multumesc si eu foarte mult ElFenomen!
chiar nu m`as fi gandit k ar fi brintey:o:*:]:d>:d
Nu este lady gaga fashion, dar si eu caut aceasta melodie, este suuuuper tare dar cred ca de 2 ore caut si nu gasesc, dar am inteles ca este un remix... dar oare cum se numeste
Nu nu nu e lady gaga e aia cu there's a dog in the building nu in the dark of the closet. m; am interesat sh apropae nimeni nu o gaseste mai sunt doritori. ceea ce stiu e ca o canta britney spears parca... uite lyrics dar daca cauti pe net nu'ti da rezultat Now baby baby baby
Don't you try to run those games on me
I'm 2 steps ahead of ya
I'm 2 steps ahead of ya
I'm checkin out your whereabouts
And who you're with and where you been
Now tell me oh now tell me who you're creeping with
Mister hot stuff
Mister hot stuff
I said excuse me ladies there's a dog in the building
there's a dog in the building
there's a dog in the building
I said excuse me ladies there's a dog in the building
there's a dog in the building
there's a dog in the building
dar nu se numeste there's a dog in the building... nu stiu am postat sh pe wall la antena 1 pe facebook...astept raspunsuri mai bune! :X
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