| mika a întrebat:

Cum vi se pare videoclipul "lady gaga - "Alejandro". :)))


Răspuns Câştigător
| ♥кŧà ŧέ łüьέšŧέ♥ a răspuns:

Chiar imi placea stilul ei, inclusiv videoclipurile... dar asta e o porcarie.

10 răspunsuri:
| Sin a răspuns:

Ma abtin.
Si-ar vinde si sufletul (ca trupul e mai mult ca sigur vandut deja) pentru faima.

| Poinsettia a răspuns:

Nu m-am uitat la tot, doar putin, ca imi pierd timpul.
Ca de obicei, o porcarie de videoclip si melodie.

| ELD a răspuns:

Mdalaughingpacat de melodierolling on the floor)

| Anutzu14 a răspuns:

Videoclipul e ciudat... dar melodia e draguta:dwinking

| User a răspuns:

Scarbos, trist, oribil...

| pepe a răspuns:

Intrigant, îndrăzneţ.

| Derye a răspuns:

Lady GaGa nu e nebuna, curva cum vreti voi sa'i ziceti. E doar open-minded. Doar pentru ca vine imbracata ciudat vi se pare ca e curva? Multe vedete (ex. Andreea Balan) fac show-uri (si aici ma refer la concerte) in chiloti (ok costumatie gen chilot) si nu mai sunt luate drept curve, asa ca tineti'va opiniile pentru voi, next time.

| JsBeibDOLL a răspuns:

Ciudat si uratel, stupid:d.tot o sa fie data tooata vara.Cu melodia n-am nimic, dimpotriva imi place mult, dar videoclipul o trage in jos. Doream sa vad ceva mai colorat, cum era pe vremuri poker face si just dance.Pacat caci urcase dupa videoclipul telephone

| Bodo a răspuns:

Nu prea imi place, mai ales frizura aia de castron :-&

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

To those who think GaGa is Satanic / Illuminati / NWO / MK ULTRA / etc...

I read the same articles, watched the same videos, and heard the same rumors as you did. Let me clear something up right now. GaGa is NOT any of these things. And here is why.

The basis behind the Illuminati/Freemason/New World Order thing is MK ULTRA. MK ULTRA, if you didn't know, was a project done by the CIA in the 1950's. It basically was torture that caused a victim to be in so much physical and emotional pain that they sort of create a new person in their brain. They escape the pain by creating dissociation, a lot like multiple-personality syndrome. There are rumors that the project is still going on, and being used by people who are in control of the US government. The project was ordered to stop a long time ago.

Anyway, the conspiracy theory goes that people are controlling Lady GaGa's mind with this program. What is never really explained is... why? There are a lot of theories; to program citizen's brains, to make money, to get society to be Satanic without knowing it, etc. I don't really see how this can be.

The main argument is that a lot of GaGa's art seems to symbolize MK ULTRA or is Satanic. Here are some examples:

The argument for this picture is that the sub-project of MK ULTRA, called project monarch, is what GaGa is victim of.
So... She is wearing butterflies because she is under monarch programming? Monarch isn't just a type of butterfly, it's actually a word. And those aren't even monarch butterflies!

2.) The argument for her name is that 'gaga' means empty-headed and stupid. Meaning of course her brain is controlled!
... Or it could just be referring to losing yourself and having fun, and the Queen song 'Radio Ga Ga'.

3.) The argument: "Queen’s song "Radio Gaga". The video of this song contains many scenes of the 1927 movie Metropolis...Maria giving her likeness to a robot. Is this a metaphor for mind control? Notice the inverted pentagram in the background: Black magic and Satanism."
So... GaGa is obviously Satanic because her name refers to a song that's music video refers to a movie that had pentagrams in it. (That was sarcastic)

4.) The argument: GaGa's logo is a woman with a lightning bolt going through her. One way people were tortured with MK ULTRA was with electroshock therapy. Also, she is headless, meaning she is stupid and not in control of her thoughts.
Her logo could mean anything. The thing about art is that it can be interpreted however you want. Whoever started this argument interpreted this with a bias that she is mind-controlled. I could interpret it as 'the logo is headless because she can remove her head because she's a mutant, and there is a lightning bolt because she can control the weather.'

5.) Argument: Lady GaGa covers one eye to symbolize the All-Seeing Eye:
Which is linked to Freemasonry, which is linked to the Illuminati, which is who is said to be practicing MK ULTRA.
…I don’t know why Lady GaGa covers one eye, and I don’t think anyone does, but I think it’s a leap to say it supposed to represent the All-Seeing Eye. Again, art can be interpreted in many ways. It may have stemmed from the emo-hair-covering-one-eye fad. Who knows?

6.) Argument: The ‘a-okay’ sign that GaGa does:
Looks like three sixes: 666. Meaning GaGa is Satanist!
…It also looks like the a-okay sign. People have been doing this forever. Whoever said it looks like 666 had a bias that GaGa was Satanist.

Say everything was true: GaGa is a Satanist who is controlled by the Illuminati. Why would she have satanic imagery and have all these hints that she is mind controlled? What would it do for her? Nothing. Are the Illuminati just showing off? Besides, what harm is it doing to us? Nothing. The imagery and messages aren’t subliminal, And they aren’t harming us. It really just doesn’t make sense if you think it through.

Art can be interpreted however you want it to be. GaGa loves to be very artsy and mysterious. This can cause paranoid people who need to know everything uncomfortable. They quickly come to the conclusion that GaGa is bad. Whether it’s that she’s a man, or that she’s a Satanist, or that she is plotting everyone’s doom/ So people who don’t know a lot about art hear one story that gives them some answers as to what exactly the art means, and they believe it. This has been going on forever. Remember when everyone thought that rock was Satanist in the ‘70’s? It’s the same here.

I admit, for a while, I was completely convinced that what Vigilantcitizen.com and theindustryexposed.com were saying was absolutely true. I slowly realized that most of the arguments are vague and didn’t make sense. I think it’s so wrong that people actually believe this.

I’ll write more on this later.
