Dati-mi si mie versurile de la melodia asta va rog din suflet e mult prea frumoasa pentru secolul asta :X :X :X Versurile sunt mai jos:
You talk a good game but I know, woah!
You don't really think that I'ma fall for that, no I won't!
Say what you gon' do, you better show
Keep it one hunnid or see your way to the door
See boy, I don't really think you get what I'm sayin'
This ain't recess, so I ain't playing
With the wrong moves that you makin'!
You say you will, but I know that you fakin'!
I hear you talking but you're really not sayin' nothing
Calm that down!
I don't care about what you got
You're frontin' 'cause you know you're just a...
Bubblegum, bu-bubble, you's a bubblegum boy
You bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You's a bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
All you do is pop a lot, a-all you do is pop a lot
Bubblegum, bu-bubble, you's a bubblegum boy
You bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You's a bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You better be ready to back it up, back it up, ow!
Yah talkin' like yah young, you need to grow up
Guys are one in the same, you get no love
I ain't lookin' for the typical, oh no
You not even worth a visual, oh no, no-no
I don't think you get what I'm sayin'
This ain't recess, and I ain't playing!
With the wrong moves you makin'!
You say you will, but I know that you fakin'!
I hear you talking but you're really not saying nothing
Calm that down!
I don't care about what you got
You're frontin' 'cause you know you're just a...
Bubblegum, bu-bubble, you's a bubblegum boy
You bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You's a bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You better be ready to back it up, back it up
I hear you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Yeah, you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Boy, I hear you talk real slick, can you back it up?
I see ya' talk real slick, can you ba-ba-ba-ba-back it up?
Bubblegum, bu-bubble, you's a bubblegum boy
You bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You's a bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy (eh-eh, eh-eh)
All you do is talk a lot, a-all you do is talk a lot (aaaay!)
Bubblegum, bu-bubble, you's a bubblegum boy (yeahh.)
You bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You's a bubblegum boy, you's a bubblegum boy
You better be ready to back it up, back it up, aw
I hear you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Yeah, you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Boy, I hear you talk real slick, can you back it up?
I see ya' talk real slick, can you back it up?
I hear you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Yeah, you talk real slick, can you back it up?
Fara google translate. vreau sa aiba logica cine imi raspunde are funda
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