Ai dreptate, Joanne. Uite aici şi dă-ţi seama câţi ascultători de muzică comercială sunt şi câţi sunt care ştiu ce este cu adevărat muzica :
Apropo de asta promoveaza houseul
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Playing sweet,
Make me move like a freek,
Mr. Saxo Beat.
He makes me this,
Brings me up,
Brings me down,
Dancing sweet,
Makes me move like a freek,
Mr. Saxo Beat.
Oh, yeah, mmm yeah…
Hey, sexy boy, set me free,
Don’t be so si, play with me,
My dirty boy, can’t you see
That you belong next to me.
Hey, sexy boy, set me free,
Don’t be so si, play with me,
My dïrty boy, can’t you see
You are the one to meeee….
I like your body when you`re feeling crazy
So let the music find for us privacy
Now you feel my kiss
Then you treat me right,
Then you treat me right
I know you`re so in love
Keep me deep inside,
Keep me close insïde
All day, all night [x8]
What the f*ck!?
When I came to Spain and I saw people party
I told to myself: What the f*ck!?
All day, all night
All day, all night
Viva la fiesta, viva la noche
Viva los DJ's
I couldn't believe what I was living
So I called my friend Johnny
And I said to him: Johnny,
La gente esta muy loca,
What the f*ck!?
Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,
What the f*ck!?
When I came to Spain and I saw people party
I told to myself: What the f*ck!?
All day, all night
All day, all night
Viva la fiesta, viva la noche
Viva los DJ's
What the f*ck!?
Viva la fiesta, viva la noche
Viva los DJ's
What the f*ck!?
Viva la fiesta [repeat]
I couldn't believe what I was living
So I called my friend Johnny
And I said to him: Johnny,
La gente esta muy loca,
What the f*ck!?
Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,
What the f*ck!?
What the f*ck!?
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
Is it love when we're dancing togheter
Is it love if i'm crying for you
In this world i am dreaming forever
Now that i'm with you
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
Is it love when we're dancing togheter
Is it love if i'm crying for you
In this world i am dreaming forever
Now that i'm with you
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand...
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats like e drum
La la la every day
If you hold my hand
I will take you away
My heart beats lïke e drum
La la la every day
I see...
Lips are fighting
Clothes are falling
Are falling...are falling.
I see...
Hearts are fighting
We keep on falling
On falling...on falling.
This is the sound of love
When human nature
Feels that sound
We tear it down
Then justify...
Would it be
Would it be.
We keep on falling...
Just peeled my legging...
Can`t ignore your craving...I see...
Eyes are lying
Clothes are falling
Are falling...are falling.
I see...
Hearts are trying
But keep on falling
On falling...on falling.
This is the sound of love
When human nature
Feels that sound
We tear it down
Then justïfy...
x2 you want stereo,i'll give you stereo
you want a piece of me,hey nothing is for free
i show you like a toy, i like it way down low
i'll play you like a toy, you're just a little boy
what you're going to do to make me want you undress for you
what you're going to say you want my body
but boy it's to late...
x2 you want stereo,i'll give you stereo
you want a piece of me,hey nothing is for free
i show you like a toy, i like it way down low
i'll play you like a toy, you're just a little boy
what you're going to do to make me want you undress for you
what you're going to say you want my body
but boy ït's to late...
Nu te poti c**a in gustul omului. Iarta-mi expresia dar asa cum tu zici ca nu poti intelege cum unii pot asculta "zgarieturile" alea, nici altii nu pot intelege cum tu poti asculta muzica rock. Ideea e sa-l lasi in pace pe fiecare sa asculte ce vrea. Mie de exemplu nu-mi place hip hop-ul si maneau. Cand eram mai tanar ascultam rock in prostie insa am vazut ca unele versuri erau asemanatoare cu cele din manele. Mi-a trecut iar acum prefer sa nu prea ascult muzica. Probabil tot din cauza "zgarieturilor" cu love si baby pe care le aud. Si ca un extra: singurul rock care mi-a placut mie e ala "de oameni nebuni", nu soft si baladele pamantului. Ala de ma facea sa vreau sa ma transform. Nu-ti mai bate capul cu ce asculta ceilalti, oricum probabil dupa ce inaintezi in varsta o sa-ti treaca cheful de rock sau cel putin nu o sa mai fi asa inversunat/a. Be cool, know your place, become awesome!
Eu cred ca lipsa de cultura dauneaza grav psihicului.
Sincer, tara noastra e PLINA de inculti care se cred cool pentru ca asculta Alexandra Stan, analfabeti care reusesc totusi sa memoreze toate versurile ale fiecarei "melodii"(cu ghilimelele de rigoare caci, pentru a fi melodie trebuie sa fie muzica, iar manelele pot fi orice altceva numai nu arta) ale lui Nicolae Guta.
Sunt si unele persoane inteligente "captivate" in acest curent de muzica "la moda"... Chiar am intalnit cateva. Cred ca asta se datoreaza unei personalitati prea slab conturate. Cand nu ai suficient curaj sa iti exprimi opinia cu privire la ceea ce iti place, te supui majoritatii... si poate ajunge sa iti placa.
Nu pot fi criticati cei care comercializeaza aceasta muzica deoarece, pe o piata care cere acest lucru, e evident ca din ce in ce mai multe persoane devin adepte al acestui curent. (Nu dai varza cainilor...)
Asadar, de vina ca aceasta muzica a devenit atat de populara nu sunt cei care o produc, ci aceia care "o consuma"...
M-am lasat purtata de val de prima parte a intrebarii si am uitat de a doua...
Deci. Eu ascult muzica rock(printre altele). In cazul in care ai o oarecare cultura in domeniul muzicii cred ca este imposibil sa nu iti placa si acest gen.
Exista multe diferente intre rock si Inna/Guta. Ti le spun pe cele care conteaza pentru mine.
1. Exista instrumente muzicale!(Ceea ce e indispensabil pentru a crea muzica...) deci nu este totul computerizat.
2. Exista un mesaj. Asta face muzica... transmite mesaje. Si cine nu intelege asta nu stie nimic...
3.Solistii au voce! Nu se fac melodii intregi folosindu-se autotune...
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