Muzica, prin definiţie, e o artă, o artă prin care mulţi dintre noi ne exprimăm, nu doar cântând ci şi ascultând. Muzica are o importanţă majoră în viaţa oricărei persoane, pe lângă faptul că ne exprimăm(mă repet, ştiu), putem defula energiile considerate negative si ne putem dezlănţui.
Talk to me softly
There is something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin is changin' inside you
And don't you know (una din melodiile mele preferate)
Foarte importanta. Prin muzica ai sansa sa iti exprimi mai usor sentimentele, emotiile, desi oamenii din ziua de azi asculta muzica doar pentru zgomotul pe care il face si nu inteleg adevarata valoare a versurilor.
Now I just wanna show
There's music in my soul
And in every place of my heart.
Da... Eu personal ascult muzica aproape tot timpul. Adica daca stau la pc am playerul pornit, daca fac ceva treaba prin casa las radioul/pc-ul mergand sau cand sunt la scoala ascult la telefon, la casti.
Si niste versuri: ''Nu privi in spate, lasa-n urma tot ce-a fost. Tu incercai sa te ridici, el te tragea in jos''
Pt mine este foarte importanta si cred orice om are nevoie de muzica...
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home
(Oh wont you please take me home)
Guns'n Roses -Paradise city
Intr-o zi ma enervasem si imi spusesem "Cum ar fi o zi fara muzica". Nu am reusit fara. Mai ales de cand sunt fana Lady Gaga, Michael Jacksom, Alexandra Stan si ascult muzica si de la Shakira si Beyonce, Bruno Mars, etc. nu pot rezista o zi fara sa ma uit pe U cat de putin. Muzica te face să zâmbeşti şi atunci când eşti trist...Muzica te face să te ridici şi atunci când eşti obosit.
Uite cel mai recent refren:
I'm beautiful in my way
'cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Lady Gaga "Born This Way" 2011
Piesa de mai sus face mai mult decat toata "muzica" de azi.
Muzica este viata mea, ma regasesc in versuri, melodii :X:X:X
Lookin' at you now I can tell
That you and your new relationship ain't goin' well
There's no reason your name should come up on my cell
Unless you're unhappy but that shouldn't be the case
'Cause you said said he was the one
Baby yes you said said you were in love
'Cause when you left me you said that you wouldn't be
Comin' back remember that but I never agreed
I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you ain't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me
Girl you know he can't touch like I do
I don't see you trippin' or flippin' over his moves
Don't take a genius to see he ain't that dude
But you let him back you don't know what you was on
When you said said he was the one
Baby yes you said said you were in love
'Cause when you left me you said that you wouldn't be
Versuri Jesse McCartney - Told you so
de pe
Comin' back remember that but I never agreed
I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you ain't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me
You fall on hard times it seems
But you ain't gettin' no sympathy
No baby not from me
'Cause I told you you should never leave
See you chose this road so you gotta go it alone
Remember I told you so
I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you aïn't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me
Da imi defineste viata
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Metallica-Nothing else matters:X:X:X
Poi, mie imi place muzica.Nu toate genurile.Pe mine cateodata muzica ma ajuta.De exemplu la matematica am avut un test si cum mi-a pus foaia in fazta dintr-o data imi tremurau mainile si uitasem tot! Mi-am amintit refrenul unei melodii si m-am linistit.Atunci am inceput sa lucrez fara emotii.
Refrenul melodiei:
Guess Who - Manifest
"Oooo, am învăţat că dreptatea mi-o fac eu.
Oooo, trec peste tine dacă nu am încotro.
Oooo, am învăţat că dreptatea mi-o fac eu.
Oooo, trec peste tine dacă nu am încotro."
Funda? :X
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