Buna, am o idee, cred ca este destul de frumoasa :
Superchick - Get Up
I'm not afraid to fall
It means I climbed up high
To fall is not to fail
You fail when you don't try
I'm not afraid to fall
I might just learn to fly and
I will spread these wings of mine
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
We get up anyway
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
And I might fall back down again
We'll just jump and see, even if it's the 20th time
we'll just jump and see if we can fly
I'm not afraid to fall
And here I told you so
Don't want to rock the boat
But I just had to know
Just a greener side
Or can I touch the sky
But either way I will have tried
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
We get up anyway
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
And I might fall back down again
We'll just jump and see, even if it's the 30th time
We'll just jump and see if we can fly
I'm not afraid to fall
I've fallen many times
They laughed when I fell down
But I have dared to climb
I'm not afraid to fall
I know I'll fall again
But I will win this in the end
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
We get up anyway
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
And I might fall back down again
We'll just jump and see, even if it's the 40th time
We'll just jump and see if we can fly
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
We get up anyway
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up come on
If I get up I might fall back down again
And I might fall back down again
Guess Who - Manifest
Si par…
Si par atat de sigur, da’ nu stiu incotro ma duc
Instinctu’ meu e cel mai ieftin truc,
Trec drept prin viata si sunt mandru de trecut
Si daca e sa pierd tot, o iau de la capat. Lupt!
Da’ tu-mi zici mie teorii, de parca tu le scrii,
De parca eu n-as stii ca ne prostesti ca pe copii.
Stii ca daca te complici prea mult pierzi timpul,
Timpu-nseamna bani, tine-o simplu.
Ca nu ne mai pasa, oricum ne-ai luat tot ce-am avut pe masa.
Halal caracter daca ne ceri din casa…
Te uiti de sus si razi, o arzi incognito.
Sunteti toti o apa si-un pamant, trasi la indigo.
Si lumea nu mai vrea sa stea,
Toti vor sa plece undeva, departe…
Da’ stiu ca vorba buna-n general castiga.
Daca muzica instiga vreau s-aud un stadion cum striga:
Refren [x2]:
Am invatat ca dreptatea mi-o fac eu
Trec peste tine daca nu am incotro
Si eu stiu la fel ca tine,
Viitorul meu e-n fiecare zi de maine.
In fiecare zi, trag de mine ca de-un caine
Sa fac pe dracu-n patru sa iau cea mai mare paine.
Si stiu ca poa’ sa treaca luni,
poa’ sa treaca saptamani, ani buni si tot sa nu aduni…
Si stiu ca ma-nvart intr-o lume de nebuni,
Fara cotiere, casca si fara instructiuni.
Si stiu ca s-a facut tarziu, e ora de culcare.
Du-te-acasa ca la 7 esti in picioare.
Si stiu ca pot sa scriu o carte despre fiecare…
Da’ pentru critici cartile-astea n-au valoare.
Si lumea nu mai vrea sa stea.
Toti vor sa plece undeva, departe
Da’ stiu ca vorba buna-n general castiga
Daca muzica instiga vreau s-aud un stadion cum striga:
Refren [x2]:
Am invatat ca dreptatea mi-o fac eu
Trec peste tine daca nu am incotro.
Eu sper sa mearge treaba, succes.