Moving Heads - Next to U; Viky Red – If You Ever Feel; DJ Robert Georgescu ft. Lara - You like; Cami Hedlinger - King of Party; AK - Love You Twice; Dj Yulis & Alexo - I Wanna; Lykke Li- I follow rivers; Boier Bibescu feat. DJ Oliver Tigana - Melodie de noroc; Anda Adam - Panda Madam; Alle - Memories; Michelle - Feelings; Green Noise feat. Shaker - Salsa Latino; Rawanne - Hands Up!; Kanza - Girls; Sol City feat. Massari - That Kinda Love; Ella - Suddenly; City Of Lights feat. Adler - Sensation; C.I.A.- unde e ea; Bob Taylor - Shake it up; Felipe C- Aici; Grasu XXL- LALA song; F.Charm feat. Filip - EyO; LLP - Show Me Love; Irina Pop - Yalla; Chris Mayer & J. Yolo - Back To Life; Giulia - Vorbe Goale; Moving Heads - Next to U; Roxana Nemes – Give a little more; ROA – Sonata In La Minor; Matteo - Bonita; Alex Mica - Dalinda (prod. by Dony & The Kid)
R.J. Feat. Pitbull - U Know It Ain't Love
Tank-Stars Girl Feat. Kevin McCall
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