DAAaa il iubesc pe michael jackson
pff... ce nasol ca a murit
asa deci in legatura cu intreabarea ta
mel mele preferate sunt
who is it
beat it
cam astea
Si eu sunt fan Michael. Melodiile mele preferate sunt :
-Black or White
- Smooth Criminal
-They Don’t Care About Us
-You Are Not Alone
-Beat It
Imi plac melodiile lui.Toate sun foarte frumoase.
Dar imi place si de Michael, ca persoana. A fost un om bun, talentat, frumos...nu pot spue in cuvinte cum a fost el.
M-a impresioanat viata lui, cum a fost el "hartuit". Dar el era un om destept si atrecut peste aceste lucruri.
Uite ce m-a impresionat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUZ2HTn9GPs.Michael vorbeste despre Planeta Pamant. Urmariti si cititi cu atentie. E uimitoar ce a facut acest Inger.
P. S. I love you Michael.
Misspysy, dar ce are mama ta cu tine? Doar pentru faptul ca nu ii place, asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa iti interzica tie sa nu asculti.
Daca o deranjeaza chiar atat de tare(nu inteleg de ce) cumpara-ti casti.
Toate de pe albumul Ben, ABC, OFf the wall, Thriller, Dangerous, Bad, History, Blood on the dance floor:History remix...intr-un cuvant toate
Pai.cam toate imi plac, dar daca as face un top 10 fara locuri as incadra piesele: billie jean, earth song, give in to me, heal the world, we are the world, history remix, thriller, bad, man in the mirror si smooth criminal. Dar nu le exclud pe celelalte.
Il iubesc pe mj.:Ximi pare foarte rau ca a murit si in fiecare zi ma gandesc la el si ascult melodiile lui...pai imi plac toate dar cel mai mult imi plac:
beat it
give in to me
smooth criminal
billie jean
i just can't stop loving you
dirty daiana
heal the world
earth song
black or white
don't say goodbye again
ease on down the road
they don't care about us
don't stop 'till you get enough
the way you make me fell
jam si mai sunt multe dar nu imi vin acum in minte
rip micahel jackson:Xx:Xx i love you michael jackson:Xx:Xx:*:*:*
Aproape toate imi plac, dar Heal the world si Will you be there ma emotioneaza foarte mult.
mie imi plac heal the world, will you be there, earth song si you are not alone
aa...si this is it
Da sunt fana Michael Jackson, il ador
pacat ca a murit
a avut o viata grea
Imi plac toate melodiile lui desigur dar preferatele mele sunt:give in to me, billie jean, smile, you are not alone, will you be there, heal the world, earth song, man in the mirror, who is it, this is it, beat it si black or white.
Speechless, fly away, heal the world, best of joy, love never felt so good si multe altele.
40: Michael Jackson - Cry
39: Michael Jackson - One More Chance
38: Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror
37: Michael Jackson - Liberian Girl
36: Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me
35: Michael Jackson - Jam
34: Michael Jackson - Who Is It
33: Michael Jackson - Ben
32: Michael Jackson - Will You Be There
31: Michael Jackson - In The Closet
30: Michael Jackson - Thriller
29: Michael Jackson - Ghosts
28: Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana
27: Michael Jackson - Why
26: Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow
25: Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dancefloor
24: Michael Jackson - Give In To Me
23: Michael Jackson - Rock With You
22: Michael Jackson - Scream
21: Michael Jackson - You Rock My World
20: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
19: Michael Jackson - ABC
18: Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us
17: Michael Jackson - Can You Feel It
16: Michael Jackson - Remember The Time
15: Michael Jackson - Bad
14: Michael Jackson - Leave Me Alone
13: Michael Jackson - They Way You Make Me Feel
12: Michael Jackson - Blame It On The Boogie
11: Michael Jackson - She's Out Of My Life
10: Michael Jackson - Beat It
9: Michael Jackson - Let Me Show You The Way To Go
8: Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
7: Michael Jackson - Don't Stop Til' You Get Enough
6: Michael Jackson - I Want You Back
5: Michael Jackson - Heal The World
4: Michael Jackson - Black Or White
3: Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
2: Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
1: Michael Jackson - Earth Song
Adica toateeee Respect for MJ
Sunt mare fan si cand ascul melodii triste ma simt foarte rau mai ales ca el a murit oricum mie imi plac toate melodiile lui RIP (DUMNEZEU SA IL IERTE )
Si eu la fel, imi place si de el.
Dar ma confrunt cu o mare problema,
mamei mele nu-i place cum canta Michael si ma lasa sa ascult doar cand sunt singura acasa
1. Smooth Criminal
2. Dirty Diana
3. Earth song
4. Black or white...
Stiti ceva, imi plac toate. Orice compune el e frumosss.
R. I. P. Michael
-Earth song
-Man in the mirror
-Heal the world
-Billie Jean
-Beat it
-Black or white
-Remember the time
-Will you be there
-Who is it
-Blood on the dancefloor
-Rock with you
-Don`t stop `till you get enough
-Human nature
-I wanna be startin something
-I want you back
-Leave me alone
-P. Y. T.
-The girl is mine
-I'll be there
-Shake your body
-Stranger in Moscow
-Give it to me
-You are not alone
-You are my life
-The way you make me feel
-Dirty Diana
-I just can`t stop loving you
-Come together
-Speed demon
-Just good friends
-Smooth criminal
-You rock my world
-One more chance
-Blame on the boogie
-Little Susie
-We are the world
-Another part of me
-She drive me wild
-They don`t care about us
-Why you wanna trip on me
-Break of dawn
-2000 watts
-Working day and night
-What more can I give
-This is it
-Off the wall
-Another day
astea mi-au venit in minte cred ca am uitat cateva. oricum mai am multe de descoperit:X LOVE MJ
Il iubesc pe MJ, pacat ca a murit, melodiile mele preferate sunt:Bad, Speechless, Il Be There, We are The world, i just can't stop loving you, Cry, Don't walk away, Give in to me, Earth Song, ABC, Dirty Diana, Black or White, Heal The World, Invincibile, Jam, Who is it, You are my life, Rock Whit You, She is out of my life, Scream, Tabloid junkie, Whatever Hapeens, Whatzupwitu, Why,
Sunt fan Michael Jackson si imi plac urmatoarele lui piese:Thriller, Billie Jean, This is it, Heal the word, History, Who is it si Beat it.
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