Sal, cauta si tu poate gasesti daca nu o sa iti fac eu rost de nume num ca acum nu prea am rabdare oricume tare melodia si mie inmi place.
1 Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 1 Come Fly With Us Everyone except Owen
3 Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 2 Lovin' Time
Rowin' Time Everyone
4 Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan Before We Die Everyone
5 Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better Stuck to a Pole Bridgette, Heather, Courtney, Sierra, and Gwen
6 Broadway, Baby! What's Not To Love Everyone except Tyler, DJ, Izzy, Cody and Alejandro
8 Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water Baby
I'm Sorry The Drama Brothers (Minus Cody)
9 Slap Slap Revolution Eine Kleine Everyone except Cody, DJ, Izzy, and Sierra
10 The Am-AH-Zon Race Gypsy Rap Heather, Sierra, Cody, and Gwen
11 Can't Help Falling in Louvre Paris Sierra, Owen, and Noah
12 Newf Kids on the Rock Sea Shanty Mix Everyone except Noah
13 Jamaica Me Sweat Oh Izzy Mix Owen and Gwen
15 Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon Save This Show
Sisters Geoff and Bridgette
16 I See London... Changing Guard Mix Everyone except Alejandro, Cody, and Tyler
17 Greece's Pieces Greek Mix Duncan and Gwen
18 The Ex-Files Boyfriend Kisser Courtney and Heather
19 Picnic at Hanging Dork Shear the Sheep Courtney, Gwen, and Heather
20 Sweden Sour Gwen's Face Everyone except Cody
21 Aftermath Aftermayhem Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley Geoff
22 Niagara Brawls Blainerific Everyone except Alejandro, Cody, and Sierra
23 Chinese Fake-Out A Chinese Lesson Everyone except Courtney and Chef
24 African Lying Safari Wake Up Everyone except Cody
25 Rapa Phooey! Condor Everyone
26 Awwwwww, Drumheller This Is How We Will End It Alejandro and Heather
28 Hawaiian Style Who You Gonna Root For?
I'm Winning This Bridgette, Courtney, Geoff, and Harold
Courtney, Harold, and Owen
29 Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles I'm Gonna Make It Alejandro, Heather, Cody, and Sierra
30 Hawaiian Punch Versus Alejandro, Courtney, Harold, and Heather
Astea sunt toate melodile pe care le stiu vezi si tu[youtube] care dintre ele e aia de care zici tu
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