Metallica, Motorhead, Megadeth, Sepultura, Rammstein, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Pink Floyd, Children of Bodom, The Beatles, Dimmu Borgir, Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Venom, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Oomph!, Manowar, Arch Enemy, The Agonist, Era Decay, Cradle of Filth, Immortal, Mayhem, AC/DC, Airbourne, Nirvana, Scorpions, Black Sabbath, Black Label Society, Cargo, Iris, Godsmack, Negură Bunget, Iron Maiden, KISS, Judas Priest, Lordi, Marilyn Manson, Pantera, Rev Theory, Alice Cooper, Dark Funeral.
Cam asta e ce ascult eu.
Şi ar mai fi...
Mi-a luat-o LastChance înainte, cam asta ascult și eu numai că aș mai adăuga The Misfits, Sex Pistols, Truda și System of a down.
We Are The Ocean
The All American Rejects
There for tomorrow
Secret and whisper
Good Charlotte
The used
The red jumpsuit
Taking back sunday
Relient K
Senses fail
Set it off
Panic at the disco
Papa roach
You me at six
Mayday parade
My american heart
The all american rejects
Fall out boy
Dead by sunrise
Death cab for cutie
Escape the fate
Eyes set to kill
avenged sevenfold
bless the fall
Avril Lavigne
Breaking benjamin
All that remains
Before their eyes
Bring me the horizon
A day to remember
Blink 182
Cute is what we aim for
A rocket to the moon
Simple plan
My chemical romance
Sum 41
Linkin parca
30 second to mars
Hey Monday
Sistem of a down
Green day
Three days grace
Tokio Hotel
Bullet for my valentine
All time low
Smile Empty Soul
From First To Last
Funeral For A Friend
Hawthorne Heights
Scary kids scaring kids
Forever the sikest kids...etc
Brockencyde nu e trupa rock ) Poate au niste tente de muzica rock da nu e trupa in niciun caz nu e rock
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