Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark
Iron Maiden -The Trooper
Iron Maiden - Coming home
Pearl Jam - Alive
Bucovina -Vuiet negru de izvor
Bucovina-Luna peste varfuri
Scorpions -Wind of change
Scorpions-Still loving you
Scorpions-Rock you like a hurricane
Metallica-Sad but true
Metallica-The day that never comes
AC/DC -Highway to Hell
AC/DC -Back in Black
Nirvana-Smells like teen spirit
Nirvana-Come as you are
Sper sa iti placa, sunt doar cateva dintre melodiile care imi plac, ai putea sa mai incerci si alte melodii de la trupele de mai sus \m/
Pink Floyd-Hey You
Pink Floyd-Good bye, Blue Sky
Pink Floyd-Wish You Were Here
Beatles-Let It Be
Beatles-Hey Jude
Queen-Sail away sweet Sister
Rollin Stones-It's Only Rock N'Roll
Nirvana-Come As You Are
Nirvana-Smells Like A Teen Spirit
Nirvana-Where Did You Sleep Last night
Janis Joplin-Cry Baby
Metallica-Nothing Else Matter
Metallica-Whiskey In The jar
Guns N'Roses-Don't Cry
Guns N'Roses-November Rain
Guns N'Roses-So Fine
Guns N'Roses-Ain't Fun
Stiu mai multe dar nu am timp sa pe scriu
Metallica -enter sandman
Metallica - one
Metallica - nothing eles matters
Metallica - seek and destroy
Cargo - baga-ti mintiile in cap
Cargo -spiuritus sanctus
Cargo- batacanda
Cargo- nu pot trai fara tine
si muuulte altele
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