Glumeşti? Păi îmi plac toate. E trupa mea preferată. Hai, că fac un top 10 pentru fiecare dintre solişti.
Enisferum cu Jari :
1. Iron
2. Into Battle
3. Goblins' Dance
4. Lost in Despair
5. Lai Lai Hei
6. Eternal Wait
7. Token of Time
8. Tale of Revenge
9. Battle Song
10.Hero In A Dream
Ensiferum cu Petri :
1. Victory Song
2. Passion Proof Power
3. Raised by The Sword
4. Wanderer
5. One More Magic Potion
6. Heathen Throne ( + The Longest Journey )
7. Twilight Tavern
8. Smoking Ruins
9. From Afar
10.In My Sword I Trust
11. Burning Leaves
12.Retribution Shall Be Mine
13. Unsung Heroes
14.Last Breath
15. Celestial Bond ( + Star Queen )
Pfu, aici mi-au ieşit 15. Mă rog, 17.
Eternal wait
Victory song
Battle song
Burning leaves
Twilight tavern
In my sword I trust
Far away
Heaten thrones
Lady in black
Lai l-ai hei
Abandoned with music
Unsung heroes
Little dreamer
Astea sunt preferatele mele.
Token of Time, Iron, In my sword I trust, Unsung Heroes. Îmi plac şi celelalte, dar astea cel mai mult.
1). Eternal Wait
2). Wanderer
3). Ahti
4). Twilight Tavern
5). Lai Lai Hei
6). Abandoned
7). In My Sword I Trust
8). One More Magic Potion
9). Stone Cold Metal
10). Unsung Heroes
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