Uite o explicație în engleză a expresiei: https://missstrachanenglishstudentfacingblog.wordpress.com/......ploration/
Explicatia o gasesti aici:
"Analysis of Prayer
Some days, although we cannot pray, a prayer...
at the minims sung by a tree, a sudden gift.
In the first stanza of this piece, the speaker begins by describing a situation in which one feels stunted. This moment, and ones like it, are times that drive a person to prayer. The speaker specifically states though that this moment is so overwhelming that one "cannot pray." Even the refuge from chaos, which prayer is considered by many, is inaccessible.
The speaker has yet to make clear what would have to be happening for a person to feel this way, at least within the context of this poem. That being said, it is quite easy to find these emotions within oneself while reading. All people, no matter where they’re from, have felt desperation and the inability to act.
In the following lines, the speaker describes what it is that happens next. A person, in this case, a woman, who has found themselves on the brink of emotional or perhaps even physical desperation, might hear something that allows them to "lift / [their] head from the sieve of [their] hands." The speaker is describing a very familiar pose in which one rests their head in their hands and their fingers separate around their face, creating what she calls a "sieve."
When this has happened, and the woman has heard the familiar sound, she lifts her head. She is hearing the "minims," or half-notes, "sung by a tree." This moment is a "gift," one that lifts her spirits and reminds her of better times. The natural world has returned her to a more peaceful state of mind."
"the minims sung by a tree"
Lucrurile de mică importantă/ cele nesemnificative cântate/ șuierate de un copac
Îmi Rectific răspunsul, sus este definiția. Mai jos comentariu.
"the minims sung by a tree"
"Doimele șuierate de un copac" este răspunsul corect. :)
Cuvântul minims vine de la denumirea membrilor unui ordin religios romano catolic. Deci, are logică.
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