In the end...hello my dear,loved rocker,nu stiu cum sa iti mai spun, in sfarsit cineva care cere melodii rock, nu cred ca vad bine:))
My Chemical Romance:
1. "The End"
2. "Dead!"
3. "This Is How I Disappear"
4. "The Sharpest Lives"
5. "Welcome to the Black Parade"
6. "I Don't Love You"
7. "House of Wolves"
8. "Cancer" 2:22
9. "Mama"
10. "Sleep"
11. "Teenagers"
12. "Disenchanted"
13. "Famous Last Words"
Alt album:
01. Look Alive, Sunshine
02. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
03. Bulletproof Heart
04. SING
05. Planetary (GO!)
06. The Only Hope For Me is You
07. Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid/Traffic Report
08. Party Poison
09. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back
10. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
11. Summertime
13. The Kids From Yesterday
14. Goodnite, Dr. Death
15. Vampire Money
30 Seconds to Mars
1. A Beautiful Lie
2. A Modern Myth
3. Attack
4. Battle Of One
5. From Yesterday
6. Hunter Lyrics
7. R-evolve
8. Savior
9. The Fantasy
10. The Kill
11. The Story
12. Was It A Dream? [Hinder],len.html
Tokio Hotel-Automatic
Evanescene-Bring me to life
Take That-Rule the world
astea imi plac mie
Skillet - awake and alive, the rasmus - october and april, tyrant of death - contaminated, recycle bin -unde sunteti?, sliknot - psicosocial, arch enemy - we will rise, kittie - whta i always wanted, shinedown - diamonds eyes, sound of madness.
Nickelback-If today was youre last day
AC/DC-Rock your heart out
Metallica – Nothing Else Matters
Nirvana-Smells like teenage spirit
new divide
in the end
bohemian rapsody
hit the road jack
nothing else matters
the god that failed
the unforgiven
what ive done
chop suey
when you were young
paint it black
lake of fire
smells like team spirit
eu stiu multe dar ar fi imposibil sa le scriu asa repede
cred ca ajung (funda?)
disturbed-another way to die
disturbed-inside the fire
cauta disturbed in general si vei gasi melodii super
daca nu-ti plac incearca
Kamelot-The Great Pandemonium
Kamelot-rule the world
si desigur tot ce au ei
Hinder-without you
theory of a deadman - wait for me
Lifehouse - From Where You Are
3 Doors Down - Here Without You
Breaking Benjamin - Give Me A Sign
Dead By April - Leaves Falling
Dead By April - What Can I Say (No Screaming)
flyleaf-fully alive
VersaEmerge- mind reader
Three days grace->Never too late,Riot,Break,Now or never
Hammerfall->Crimson thunder,The metal age,Steel mets steel,At the end of rainbow,Remember yesterday,I belive,No sacrifice no victory
Evanescence->Bring me to life,All that I'm living for,Sweet sacrifice,Haunted,Lies,Everybody's fool,Hello
Marilyn Manson->Sweet dreams,In the shadow of the valley of death
Ac/Dc->Highway to hell, Hells bells, Thunderstruck
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