| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Niste melodii faine de la Metallica? Dau funda bineinteleshappy

Răspuns Câştigător
10 răspunsuri:
| EvaneSScence a răspuns:

Metallica :
1. Enter Sandman
2. Nothng Else Matters
3. Whiskey In The Jar
4. One
5. ...And Justice For All
6. The Unforgiven
7. Master Of Puppets
8. Jump In The Fire
9. Sad But True
10. Through The Never
11. Wherever I May Roam

Astea le ascult cel mai des ...sunt geniale :X

| Aneke a răspuns:

Mie asta imi place cel mai mult Metallica Ride The Lightning

| alextotal a răspuns:

Salut. Uite : The Unforgiven
Master Of Puppets
Jump In The Fire

| MeAlex a răspuns:

Nothing else matters, enter sandman, one, whiskey in the jar, master of puppets

| BRabbit a răspuns:

Enter sandman, sad but true, holier than thou, the unforgiven I si II, Don`t tread on me, through the never, One, Memory Remains, Fade to black, One, Master Of Puppets, Whiskey in the jar, Until it sleeps, Nothing Else Matters, The God That Failed, Die die my darling, My friend of misery, The Struggle Within, Battery, For Whom The Bells Tolls, Seek and Destroy, The day that never comes... Sper ca sunt suficiente big grin

| CristyAlex98 a răspuns:

Metallica - Enter Sandman
metallica- Nothing Else Matters
Metallica- The UNforgiven
Metallica- Master of Puppets
Astea imi plac mie cel mai mult sper sa iit placa si tiebig grin... Funda?big grin