Black metal si death metal. Formatiile preferate sunt Dimmu Borgir, Immortal si Behemoth.
Pai eu ascult mai mult rock de gen alternative apoi scremo si apoi gothic.
"dede29dede" Esti penibil\a frate...
Daca nu sti depre ce e vorba taci.
Metal gen:Guns&roses
Alternativ : linkin parca etc.
Speedmetal (britishmetal): dragonforce
Mai multe, nu are rost sa le enumar, dar cam asta ascult in general.
Eu: Thrash Metal, Gothic Metal, Dead Metal, Black Metal, Rock Ambiental si Heavy Metal iar trupele preferate (Lordi, Lamb of God, Morbid Angel, Children Of Bodom, Cannibal Corpse, Exodus, Imortall, possessed, Trooper, Truda, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Green Day, Bullet for my valentine, system of a down, etc.)
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