Daca ai preciza genul.
Ce stiu eu foarte usoare sunt
Pearl Jam-Last kiss
Pink Floyd-Wish you were here
Bon Jovi -Wanted dead or alive (asta daca esti in stare sa faci un F amarat)
John Lennon-Merry X-mas (si aici ai nevoie de un B)
R.E.M-Losing my religon
Green Day-Wake me when september ends
Green Day-Time of your life
Lynyrd Skynyrd-Sweet home Alabama
Tom Petty-Free falling.
Cred ca sunt destule.
Pearl Jam-Black
REM-it's the end of the world
The WHo-Behind Blue Eyes
bob dylan- knockin on heaven's door
weezer-say it ain't so
semisonic-closing time
simple plan-perfect
simple plan-welcome to my life
green day-21 guns
lemonheads-mrs robinson
nirvana-the man who sold the world
nirvana-smells like teen spirit
daniela281 întreabă:
Claudia5788 întreabă: