"I'm on a highway to hell" (AC/DC) sau "Knock-knock-knocking on Heaven's door" (Guns n' Roses/ Bob Dylan) . Chiar daca nu cred in Rai si Iad, cu siguranta ca una dintre astea doua mi-ar veni in minte atunci.
=)) imi place raspunsul KidduToxic :)) (versul)-Poate ca si tu te gandesti acum la mine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGPvoNBGiy0&NR=1&feature=endscreen =))
If I should die before I wake. The least that I could ever say,
I made mistakes but held on to my faith…
I can be the queen that's inside me
This is my chance to relase it
Be brave for you, you'll see
I can be the queen you need me to be
This is my chance to be the dance
Our dream is happening
Eu as canta:
Heal The World (vindeca lumea)
Make It A Better Place (fa-l un loc mai bun)
For You And For Me (pentru tine si pentru mine)
And The Entire Human Race (si pentru intreaga rasa umana)
There Are People Dying (sunt oameni muribunzi)
If You Care Enough (daca iti pasa destul)
For The Living (pentru a trai)
Make A Better Place (fa un loc mai bun)
For You And For Me (pentru tine si pentru mine){michael jackson}
"These are the last words I'm
Ever gonna get to say to you
So listen very carefully...
To what I'm saying,
Life is more than just the games you're playing"
TFK - Last Words
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
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