| r0xyna a întrebat:

Cn imi spune o melodie a lui justin bieber (greu de gasit) sh pe care eu nu o stiu va primi o fundawinking

9 răspunsuri:
| rusmihai a răspuns:

One time, baby, never say never, pray, love me, u smile, never let you go funda?

| just4you a răspuns:

Rusmihai, cele pe cae le-ai zis tu le cunoaste toata lumeawinking

| MyWorld a răspuns:

Ride, down to the earth, can't live without you. heartbreak(e), runway love, first dance, belive, set a place at your table, where are you now?

| thegreatgatsby a răspuns:

@rusmihai alea nu sunt greu de gasit.
@JustinBieber majoritatea le stiu toti

| esssy96 a răspuns:

Kiss and Tell, Runaway Love, Stuck in the moment, Down to Earth, Common Denominator, Omaha Mall, Speaking in Tongues, First Dance, Overboard. [Funda?batting eyelashes ]

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu e greu de gasit da e noua.
Sean Kingston ft. Justin Bieber-Won`t stop!

| ralukmik a răspuns:

Won't stop... e recenta si super. feat. sean Kingston