"Blue" - R.E.M.
Yellow circus left the stakes a broken ropes world's useless mug
The ties that bind, ha ha
I can be bad poet
Street poet
Shit poet
Kind poet too
Almost 4AM
Halloween night
Had enough to drink to make my own party
All my fellow writers in half costume, half asleep
Half silly, gone to seed
I don't mark my time with dates, holidays, faded wisdom, locked karma holders
I am made by my times
I am a creation of now
Shaken with the cracks and crevices
I'm not giving up easy
I will not fold
I don't have much
But what I have is gold
I saw your face...
I sing in platinum
I dress in brass
I eat in zinc
Let it pass
Compare a toast
I like that
I understand courage
I still roll with the shout of a character I was married to today
I try to see outside myself
I understand the eyes
Excuse all the highs
I am sorry
Ha ha
I like you, love you, every coast of you.
I've seen your eddies and tides and hurricanes and cyclones.
Low ebb tide and high, full moon.
Up close and distant.
I read you.
Look, the sky, the sea, the ocean, the sun, the moon.
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.
Naked and blue.
Breathing with you. Touch. Change. Shift. Allow air. Window open. Drift. Drift away. Into now.
I want Whitman proud. Patti Lee proud. My brothers proud. My sisters proud. I want me. I want it all. I want sensational. Irresistible.
This is my time and I am thrilled to be alive.
Living. Blessed. I understand.
Twentieth century:
Collapse Into Now
Cinderella boy
You've lost your shoe
Cinderella boy
Your coach awaits
A sun makes shadows
All over your face
As you sit
Naked and blue
Into me.
Pre-postludiu, Leonard Cohen...a thousand kisses deep...
The ponies run, the girls are young...
A thousand kisses deep...
You are my Sun (Sun Kil Moon).
you are my life
dark cities
you fill the lungs
of the day
you are my love
radiant and pretty overseas
you find ways
of bringing hope
in lonely hours
gloom of night
empty mornings
you are a stem
of wild flowers
rolling hills
round the bay
you are a calf
in the meadows
so it goes
in this way
you are my friend
in the shadows
there to bring
when I need
you are the sweetness
of the cellos
there to mend
if I bleed
you are a swing
sleepy porches
the warm light
on my face
you are a charge
of wild horses
you are the sun
you are my sun
seeping over
spilling out
over the mountains
you are my sun
your fingers
breeze of these sad days
the gentle waves
of guitars playing
death sends the stairs
bodies ache
blessed sun
They say we are fools
We say, look at you
Long ago, we were just a few
Still say, we don't need you.
Judas Priest - Alone
"She take you down easy
Going down to her knees
Going down to the devil
Down down at ninety degrees"
Je te promets des jours tous bleus comme tes veines
Je te promets des nuits rouges comme tes rêves
Des heures incandescentes et des minutes blanches
Des secondes insouciantes au rythme de tes hanches
Et même si c'est pas vrai,
Si on te l'as trop fait.
Si les mots sont usés,
Comme écris à la craie.
On fait bien des grands feux en frottant des cailloux.
Peut-être avec le temps à la force d'y croire,
On peut juste essayer pour voir.
"Nu-i de competenţa mea să fac lumea mai bună
Ia vorba asta de căcat exact aşa cum sună"
"Sar din trip în trip, tiptil mă bag în faţă
N-am găsit lângă altar conduita de viaţă
E mai uşor să crezi în dumnezeu decât în tine,
De aia toţi îl pupă-n p.ulă când le merge bine"
"Când cuvintele tac, ascultă atent,
Pentru că ura rămâne cel mai sincer sentiment până-n prezent"
Toate-s de la Cheloo, prima e Antisocial, a doua e In corpore sano, iar ultima e Unde se termină visele.
"Dar ochii ei numai vorbesc
Ea ca pe o lacrima m-a sters
Si stelele nu se mai aprind
Si n-ai avea ce sa-mi mai iei
Caci lumea mea e in palma ei
Iar eu in vise ma inchid"
Praf In Ochi-Locul ei
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun
E super melodia
Ai stiut mult prea bine c-o sa am incredere in tine
Nu te-ai putut abtine,
Nu ti-a pasat deloc de mine, acum decizia-mi apartine,
Nu mai sunt a ta.
Si-ti spun adio, adio,
Du-te, du-te, du-te, nu mai sta
Si nu lasa nimic te rog in urma ta,
Stiai si tu ca n-o sa-ti mearga mult asa,
Spun adio, adio,
Du-te, du-te, du-te, nu mai sta
Si nu lasa nimic te rog in urma ta,
Stiai si tu ca n-o sa-ti mearga mult asa.
Strofa 1:
Degeaba incerci sa fii altfel
Cand eu nu mai pot sa fiu la fel,
Ai luat in gluma tot ce mai simteam,
Ma intreb eu oare asta meritam,
Iti pare rau dar nu-o de ajuns
Si cred ca timpul tau s-a scurs,
Tu poate credeai ca dragostea-i un joc,
Joci carte pe carte si n-o sa ai noroc.
Strofa 2:
Spune-mi tu, dar ce tot grabesti sa ma alungi precum,
Ultimul caine cand eu pentru tine traiam oricum,
Spune-mi ca daca sunt departe, te-ai cam rupt de drum,
Iar acum ca si cum nu s-a intamplat nimic
Dar tot ce ai vrut tot vrei,
Atata timp cand niciodata n-am crescut in ochii tai,
Recunosc ca ti-am gresit dar tot ce facï e crud,
Dar cu toate asta tot ce pot sa fac e sa te-ascult.
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