BFF=best friends forever=cei mai buni prieteni pentru totdeauna
IDK=I don't know=nu stiu
LHMO=Laughing my head off=Rad de ma doare capul
TTYLXOX=Talk to you later xox-hugs and kisses=vorbesc cu tine mai tarziu xox(imbratisari si pupici)
LJK=Lol just kidding=Lol doar glumeam
ROTFFL=Rolling on the f*****g floor laughing=am cazut pe jos de ras
Sper ca te-am ajutat . XOX
IDK=i don't know=nu stiu
LMHO=Laughing My Head Off=rad de ma doare capul
TTYLXOX=talk to you later xox (hugs and kisses)=vorbesc cu tine mai tarziu(pupici si imbratisari)
ROTFFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
IDK = I Don't Know = Nu stiu
LMHO = Laughing My Head Off = rad de ma doare capul
TTYLXOX = Talk to you later hugs and kisses = vorbesc cu tine mai tarziu pupici si imbratisari
ROTFFL = Roll on the *** floor laughing
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