Glumesti cu mine, right? Daca mi-ar fi favorita numai o singura melodie, ar fi iad pentru mine. Iubesc o gramada de trupe, in special rock-ul. Mbene, numai rock ascult eu. Uite iti recomand cateva:
Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit
Nirvana - Come as you are
Nirvana - About a girl
Nirvana - The man who sold the world
Nirvana - Sliver
Nirvana - Aneurysm (my nickname xD)
Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Black Sabbath - Heaven and hell
Megadeth - Peace sells
Megadeth - Take no prisoners
Megadeth - Symphony of destruction
Megadeth - The Scorpion
Metallica - One
Metallica - The Unforgiven (I si II)
Metallica - Nothing else matters
Guns N' roses - Sweet child o'mine
Guns N' roses - Knocking in heaven's door
Guns N' roses - Paradise city
Si lista continua...
Pe langa ce am in playlist am foarte multe altele din diferite genuri in afara de manele si populara.tot ceea ce tin imi place la nebunie pentru totdeauna.
Aceste doua piese : Holograf feat Angela Gheorghiu - Nu mai e timp
M. Pokora - Juste Une Photo De Toi
Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie
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