Aerosmith-I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing
Versuri in Engleza
SI aici sunt versurile in Romana
Hey! Piesa mea preferata este It's alright, it's ok by Ashley Tisdale
You told me there’s no need to talk it out
’Cause it’s too late to proceed
And slowly I took your words and walked away
No looking back
I won’t regret, no
I will find my way
I’m broken
But still I have to say
It’s alright, It’s OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Alright, OK
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won’t return
Our bridge has burned down
I’m stronger now
Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
You played me
Betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrayed a role
You took control, I
I couldn’t help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear
It’s alright, It’s OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Alright, OK
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won’t return
Our bridge has burned down
I’m stronger now
Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
You played me
Betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrayed a role
You took control, I
I couldn’t help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear
It’s alright, It’s OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Alright, OK
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won’t return
Our bridge has burned down
I’m stronger now
Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Don’t waste your fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It’s way too late
I’m closing the door
It’s alright, It’s OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Alright, OK
So don’t you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won’t return
Our bridge has burned down
I’m stronger now
Alright, OK
I’m so much better without you
I won’t be sorry
Paramore- fences
I. m sitting in a room,
Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
There are people looking through
The window in the door they know exactly what here for
Don. t look up
Just let them think
There. s no place else
You. d rather be. always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from,
Don. t you know by now,
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you. ll ever have.
And it. s obvious that dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera. s lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile, 'cause you. ll go out in style.
You. ll go out in style.
If you let me I could,
I. d show you how to build your fences,
Set restrictions, separate from the world.
The constant battle that you hate to fight
Just blame the limelight.
Don. t look up
Just let them think
There. s no place else
You. d rather be.
And now you can. t turn back
Because this road is all you. ll ever have.
And it. s obvious that dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera. s lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile.
Yeah, yeah asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in.
Yeah, yeah well just a mess
You do all this, big talking
So now let. s see you walk it
I said let. s see you walk it
Yeah, yeah well just a mess
You do all this, big talking
So now let. s see you walk it
I said let. s see you walk it
And it. s obvious that dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera. s lying.
And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
Yeah, oh oh open wide,
'Cause you. ll go out in style.
You. ll go out ïn style.
Chiar daca este de la camp rock 2 nu e super Fire se numeste si versurile sunt:Yo eu eu
Yo eu eu
Yo eu eu
Nobody's gona wana get next to me
Cause they know (they know)
I'll take this one I wont let it go
Doesn't' matter how you approach the scene
Just go (just go)
You're everything you want when you hit the door
I dare you to challenge me
I'm begging for merci please
Just watch! I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently ( to the left )
Got fire come outa me
I faught you up again, I'm just letting you know
(I keep givin you the)
We bring the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
So set it up
A genius knowin no one can take this crown
Its so great (so great)
They can cool me off when I hit the stage
Burnin hot, the spotlight has spelt my name
I feel famous (famous)
The crowd cheers me on I cant get enough
(Keep givin you the)
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up
I keep givin you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up
I keep givin you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for
I'm a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up
Nane... unn nou mixtape... o noua poveste
O poveste o ard in vrajeala,
E real tot ce zic, ia asculta un pic...
Totu` s-a sfarsit exact acolo unde a inceput,
Orasul Orsova, strada gherna, zona sud...
Povestea unui pusti al carui nume nu l-am retinut,
Nu de alta dar e mai mic decat mine cu mult...
Era un pusti cuminte chiar nu aducea belele,
Nu se lua dupa ceilalti pusti sa fure pentru lovele,
El n-avea impresii, nu se lauda ca are spate,
Nu se dadea smecher cu haine de firma combinate.
Era chiar la locul lui, il vedeam des la teren,
Dar ideea e ca de acum sigur n-o sa-l mai vedem,
Gata cu joaca, zambetul i s-a stins, motivul?
Maica-sa s-a sinucis...
Pustiul mintit de toata lumea ca mama e plecata,
Dar el e costient ca n-o s-o mai vada niciodata,
Nu crede in povesti, pustiul stie ce s-a intamplat,
Mami a luat bataie de la tati si s-a spanzurat...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara...
Pustiul nu mai e la fel, parca nu-si mai revine,
E din ce in ce mai rau si n-arata deloc bine,
Nu mai e ca inainte, acum i se vede rana...
Daca il injuri in gluma o sa se gandeasca la mama.
Si e naspa rau ca a pierdut-o foarte devreme,
Tasu` alearga dupa bani si sta singur de multa vreme,
Ar vrea sa intre inapoi in rand cu pustii din cartier,
Dar nu se poate, pur si simplu nu mai e la fel...
Nu mai iese la fotbal, nu mai sta la suc la terasa,
Isi petrece tot mai mult timp stand singur in casa,
Amintirile nu-l lasa sa treaca peste,
Nu se poate obisnuii cu gandul ca asta este...
Duce o lupta grea in capul lui se petrec o gramada,
Ii lipseste afectiunea, pe prieteni nu vrea sa-i vada,
Vede ca ii lipsesc tot mai multe, simte ca inebuneste,
Nici toale nu mai are si crede-ma ca-si doreste...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara...
In sfarsit si-a revenit a trecut peste in sfarsit,
A realizat ca-i tanar si mai are o viata de trait,
Au trecut 4-5 ani de la ultima tragedie,
Si treptat a inceput sa se bucure de copilarie,
Dar viata asta dura firar a dracului sa fie,
Avea sa se rezerve intr-o doza de agonie,
Intr-o zi pe cand era pe afara cu ceilalti copii,
A primit o veste pe care avea sa faca noapte din zi...
Cu lacrimi in ochi a fost anuntat de bunica,
Ii tremura glasul, plagea, nu stia cum sa-i zica...
Tata e in spital in coma, l-a strivit un copac,
Vroia sa taie lemne sa ia si el un sac.
Cum in Orsova ne incalzim cu lemne, ce sa zic,
Vroia cateva pentru al` mic, sa nu doarma in frig,
Si parca nu era de ajuns tot ce s-a intamplat...
Intr-un final ca sa vezi ghinion... a decedat...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tïne e doar o poveste de seara...
Nane... unn nou mixtape... o noua poveste
O poveste o ard in vrajeala,
E real tot ce zic, ia asculta un pic...
Totu` s-a sfarsit exact acolo unde a inceput,
Orasul Orsova, strada gherna, zona sud...
Povestea unui pusti al carui nume nu l-am retinut,
Nu de alta dar e mai mic decat mine cu mult...
Era un pusti cuminte chiar nu aducea belele,
Nu se lua dupa ceilalti pusti sa fure pentru lovele,
El n-avea impresii, nu se lauda ca are spate,
Nu se dadea smecher cu haine de firma combinate.
Era chiar la locul lui, il vedeam des la teren,
Dar ideea e ca de acum sigur n-o sa-l mai vedem,
Gata cu joaca, zambetul i s-a stins, motivul?
Maica-sa s-a sinucis...
Pustiul mintit de toata lumea ca mama e plecata,
Dar el e costient ca n-o s-o mai vada niciodata,
Nu crede in povesti, pustiul stie ce s-a intamplat,
Mami a luat bataie de la tati si s-a spanzurat...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara...
Pustiul nu mai e la fel, parca nu-si mai revine,
E din ce in ce mai rau si n-arata deloc bine,
Nu mai e ca inainte, acum i se vede rana...
Daca il injuri in gluma o sa se gandeasca la mama.
Si e naspa rau ca a pierdut-o foarte devreme,
Tasu` alearga dupa bani si sta singur de multa vreme,
Ar vrea sa intre inapoi in rand cu pustii din cartier,
Dar nu se poate, pur si simplu nu mai e la fel...
Nu mai iese la fotbal, nu mai sta la suc la terasa,
Isi petrece tot mai mult timp stand singur in casa,
Amintirile nu-l lasa sa treaca peste,
Nu se poate obisnuii cu gandul ca asta este...
Duce o lupta grea in capul lui se petrec o gramada,
Ii lipseste afectiunea, pe prieteni nu vrea sa-i vada,
Vede ca ii lipsesc tot mai multe, simte ca inebuneste,
Nici toale nu mai are si crede-ma ca-si doreste...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara...
In sfarsit si-a revenit a trecut peste in sfarsit,
A realizat ca-i tanar si mai are o viata de trait,
Au trecut 4-5 ani de la ultima tragedie,
Si treptat a inceput sa se bucure de copilarie,
Dar viata asta dura firar a dracului sa fie,
Avea sa se rezerve intr-o doza de agonie,
Intr-o zi pe cand era pe afara cu ceilalti copii,
A primit o veste pe care avea sa faca noapte din zi...
Cu lacrimi in ochi a fost anuntat de bunica,
Ii tremura glasul, plagea, nu stia cum sa-i zica...
Tata e in spital in coma, l-a strivit un copac,
Vroia sa taie lemne sa ia si el un sac.
Cum in Orsova ne incalzim cu lemne, ce sa zic,
Vroia cateva pentru al` mic, sa nu doarma in frig,
Si parca nu era de ajuns tot ce s-a intamplat...
Intr-un final ca sa vezi ghinion... a decedat...
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta,
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta,
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama,
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama...
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand,
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand,
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara,
Dar pentru tïne e doar o poveste de seara...
Limba romana se numeste piesa mea preferata si cred ca ti-ar fi de mare folos si tie.
Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
versuri : I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish some one up there will find me
Till then I walk alone
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone
Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
I walk alone
I walk a
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
Bon Jovi-Always:X
This romeo is bleeding
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up
It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see I've always been a fighter
But without you I give up
I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me
And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always
Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time
Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you
Well, there ain't no luck
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines
And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always
All I Need by Within Temptation:
I'm dying to catch my breath
oh why don't i ever learn
I've lost all my trust that i'm sure we try to
Turn it around
Can you still see the heart of me
all my agony fades away
when you hold me in your embrace
Don't turn me down
for all i need
make my heart a better place
give me something I can believe
Don't turn me down
you're far from the door now
don't let it close
He only had to go
I wish I could let it go
I know that I'm only one step away
From turning around
Can you still see the heart of me
all my agony fades away
when you hold me in your embrace
Versuri Within Temptation - All i need
de pe
Don't turn me down
for all i need
make my heart a better place
give me something I can believe
Don't turn it down
what's left of me
make my heart a better place
i've tried many times but nothing was real
make it fade away
don't break me down
I want to believe that this is for real
save me from my fear
don't turn me down
don't turn me down
for all i need
make my heart a better place
don't tear me down
for all i need
make my heart a better place
give me something i can believe
don't tear ït down
what's left of me
make my heart a better place
sper sa-ti placa
Ashley Tisdale - Tell Me Lies
It's in your eyes, feelings can't be disguised
Cause the truth makes me want you to tell me lies
My biggest fear is crying oceans of tears
I would rather you not be so sincere
How cold could you be?
What would you do if you were me?
I'm better off if it's a mystery
Cause I don't wanna know
If I kissed your lips for the last time
Please don't say if it's so
Tell my heart it's not goodbye
And do this one thing for me
Make up some stupid story tonight
It's alright, keep your truth and tell me lies
Something's not right, love is nowhere in sight
I'm not ready to let go, it's not time
How cruel could you be?
Do say it's through least not to me
I'm better off, leave it a mystery
Cause I don't wanna know
If I kissed your lips for the last time
Please don't say if it's so
Tell my heart it's not goodbye
And do this one thing for me
Make up some stupid story tonight
It's alright, keep your truth and tell me lies
Don't tell me you're leaving
There's only so much I can take
It's easier if you're faking
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh whoa
Cause I don't wanna know
If I kissed your lips for the last time
Please don't say if it's so
Tell my heart it's not goodbye
And do this one thing for me
Make up some stupid story
Can we keep pretending
This is not the ending tonight
It's alright, keep your truth and tell me lies
Mie imi place Good Charlotte - I Just Wanna Live
I need an alarm system in my house
So I know when people are creeping about
These people are freaking me out (these days)
It's getting hectic everywhere that I go
They wont leave me alone
There's things they all wanna know
I'm paranoid of all the people I meet
Why are they talking to me?
And why can't anyone see?
I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live ("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live x2")
I rock a law suit when I'm going to court
A white suit when I'm getting divorced
A black suit at the funeral home
And my birthday suit when I'm home alone
Talking on the phone got an interview
With the Rolling Stone they're saying
"Now you're rich and now you're famous fake ass girls all know your name
And Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous your first hit aren’t you ashamed"
Of the life, of the life, of the life we’re living
I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live
Stop your messing around boy
Better think of your future
Better make some good plans boy
Said every one of my teachers
Look out better play it safe you'll never know what hard times will come your way
We say where we're coming from
We've already seen the worst that life can bring
Now we get expect it everywhere that we go
All the things that they say
Yeah we already know
I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live")
I just wanna live
Morandi - Save me
When I’m with you
Everything seems better
Now I know
I see it all today
We were ment to be together
I’m in pain when you’re away
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my touch
Day after day
Cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting
For you to be mine
Come and save me
From me… me…
Come and save me
From me… me…
When I’m with you
Everything seems better
Now I know
I see it all today
We were ment to be together
I’m in pain when you’re away
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my touch
Day after day
Cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting
For you to be mine
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