7 Things
As I Am
Before The Storm
Bottom of the ocean
Butterfly Fly Away
The Climb
Don't Walk Away
East Northumberland High
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Fly on the Wall
Forgiveness and Love
Full Circle
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Girl's Night Out
Good and Broken
Hoedown Throwdown
I Miss You
I Thought I Lost You
I Hope You Find It
Kicking and Screaming
Let's Dance
Liberty Walk
My Heart Beats For Love
Party in the U. S. A.
Permanent December
Right Here
See You Again
Simple Song
Start All Over
Take Me Along
Talk Is Cheap
These Four Walls
The Time of Our Lives
Two More Lonely People
Can't Be Tamed
Wake Up America
When I Look at You
Who Owns My Heart
This Is the Life
the best of both worlds
just like you
pumpkin up the party
the other side of me
who said
if we were a movie
i got nerve
rockin' around christmas tree
make some noise
one in a million
old blue jeans
bigger than us
rock star
nobody's perfect
the good life
let's do this
just a girl
he could be the one
ordinary girl
que sera
gonna get this
i wanna know you
let's do this
al naibiii multe mai sunt...scz daca nu-s toate sau daca se repeta da era greu sa mai stiu ce am scris... sper sa iti fie de folos:*
aici gasesti absolut toate piesele lui miley
Uite aici:
1. 7 Things
2. As I Am
3. Before The Storm
4. Bottom of the ocean
5. Breakout
6. Butterfly Fly Away
7. Clear
8. The Climb
9. Don't Walk Away
10. East Northumberland High
11. Every Rose Has Its Thorn
12. Fly on the Wall
13. Forgiveness and Love
14. Full Circle
15. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
16. Girl's Night Out
17. Good and Broken
18. Goodbye
19. Hoedown Throwdown
20. Hovering
21. I Miss You
22. I Thought I Lost You
23. I Hope You Find It
24. Kicking and Screaming
25. Let's Dance
26. Liberty Walk
27. My Heart Beats For Love
28. Obsessed
29. Party in the U. S. A.
30. Permanent December
31. Right Here
32. Robot
33. Scars
34. See You Again
35. Simple Song
36. Someday
37. Start All Over
38. Stay
39. Take Me Along
40. Talk Is Cheap
41. These Four Walls
42. The Time of Our Lives
43. Two More Lonely People
44. Can't Be Tamed
45. Wake Up America
46. When I Look at You
47. Who Owns My Heart
Poţi să mai cauţi şi pe wikipedia că poate am omis ceva.
Paii... mie imi plac extrem de mult melodiile : Miley Cyrus - True Friend & Permanent December .
Intra aici:
nu e miley. dar melodia e a ei.defapt eu un colaj.si e mult mai bun decat originalul;).
Buna! Uite niste melodii de ale lui Miley: See you again, Fly on the wall, The climb, Can't be tamed, Who owns my heart, 7 things, Party in the USA, Butterfly fly away, Hoedown throwdown, Ordinary girl, When I look at you.
Pai de exemplu, 7 Thigs, Party in the U. S. A, See you again, Don't walk away, Party line (super nou 2011), Who owns my heart, Can't be tamed, Fly on the wall, Star all over, Hoedown throedown, dar cel; mai bine cauta pe youtube asa: Miley Cyrus song; daca vrei sa vezi cantece mai vechi, dar si din 2010 sau asa: Miley Cyrus new song 2011.
Sper ca sfaturile mele sa fie de folos!
Supergirl, every part of me, party in the U. S. A, the clib, stai, as i am, breakout ...ect
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