10.Alice Cooper-This maniac's in love with you
9.Lynyrd Skynyrd-Freebird
8.Deep purple-Smoke on the water
7.Metallica-The unforgiven/Master of puppets
6.Nirvana-Smell like teen spirits
5.GNR-Paradise city
4.AC/DC-Thunderstruck/Let there be rock
3.Iron maiden-Halloweed by the name/Trooper
2. Ozzy Osbourne-Crazy train/I just want you
1. Led Zeppeline-Starway to heaven
As putea continua pana la un infinit.Nu exista un top anume pentru ca sunt nenumarate subgenuri.Ti-am dat topul meu, dar intrebarea e tampita.
10. Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana – 1991
9. Statesboro Blues – Allman Brothers – 1971
8. Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin – 1971
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps – The Beatles – 1968
6. Eruption – Van Halen – 1978
5. Brown Sugar – The Rolling Stones – 1971
4. You Really Got Me – The Kinks – 1964
3. Crossroads – Cream – 1968
2. Purple Haze – Jimi Hendrix – 1967
#1. Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry – 1958
1.Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
2.Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
3. You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
4.Crane's Crying - Vitas
5. One - Metallica
6.Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
7. Earth Song - Michael Jackson
8.Imagine - John Lennon
9. Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
10.The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
Sper sa iti placa si sper ca te-am ajutat.
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