Cele mai heavy? Ce poate fi mai heavy decât heavy?
Iron Maiden – The alchemist
Iron Maiden – The trooper
Godsmack - i stand alone
Avenged Sevenfold- afterlife
Metallica – Hell Yeah!
Disturbed - down with the sickness
Iron Maiden – Remember tomorrow
Iron Maiden – Fear of the dark
Manowar – Die for Metal
Manowar – Brothers of Metal
Manowar – Number 1
Manowar – Warriors of the world
Ozzy Osbourne – Let me hear your scream
Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction
Megadeth - Holly wars
Motorhead - The game
Motorhead - Killed by death
Metallica - Seek and destroy
Rev Theory - Justice
Rev Theory - Voices
Rev Theory - Hell yeah
Motorhead- Overkill
Pantera - Cowboys from Hell
Cam astea îmi vin în minte.
Master of Puppets -Metallica
The Trooper-Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath-War Pigs
AC/DC-Highway to hell
This was my life-Megadeth
Sad Statue-System Of a Down
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