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Vreau si eu versurile de la Geography Lesson


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United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru;
Grenada, Dominica, then Argentina, St. Vincent, the Grenadines too;
Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil;
Costa Rica, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda;
Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, and French Guiana, Antigua, Barbuda.

Norway and Sweden and Iceland and Finland and Germany (now one piece);
Switzerland, Austria, and Yugoslavia, Italy, Turkey, and Greece;
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania, Ireland, Azerbaijan.
Russia, Slovenia, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia, Turkmenistan;
Then Qatar, Estonia, plus Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Wales, the Ukraine;
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium & Portugal, France, England, Denmark, & Spain.

Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina (the fighting there's not very pretty);
Andorra, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, then San Marino and Vatican City;
Czech Republic, Gibraltar, Slovakia, Malta, Moldova, then Uzbekistan;
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran;
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Yemen, Bahrain, and Kuwait,
Monaco, Kyrgyzstan, and there's Tajikistan, United Ar'b Emirates.

India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan;
Mongolia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Brunei, or Nauru, the Maldives, Japan;
Laos, Micronesia, Tibet, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Tuvalu;
Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Vietnam and Greenland, and China, then Vanuatu;
There's Palau, Malaysia, the Marshalls, Australia, plus Kiribati, Tonga, then on
to Western Samoa, then Fiji, Cambodia, the Solomon Islands, Taiwan.

Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo, (the homelands like Venda are gone)
Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Liberia, Egypt, Benin, and Gabon;
Mauritius, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali, South Africa, and the Seychelles;
The Congo, Namibia, Senegal, Libya, Burkina Faso as well;
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana;
The Central Republic of Africa, and Equatorial Guinea, and Ghana.

Swaziland, Guinea, the fate of the Western Sahara we're waiting to hear;
The Ivory Coast, the Isles Comoros, Sierra Leone, Zaire;
Mozambique, Zambia, also the Gambia, Cameroon, and Eritrea;
Sao Tome & Principe Islands, Cape Verde, Algeria, and Tazania;
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bisseau, Madagascar, Rwanda, and then the Sudan;
Hong Kong, Mauritania, plus Lithuania,
then St. Lucia, North and South Korea,
Republic Dominican, Papua New Guinea 'n'
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Oman!


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