Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Versuri Akcent - My passion
de pe
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x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
Still got feelings you are my passion
You are the one for me
Still got feelings you are my passion
You are the one for me
Can you, can you hear me say
When i’m moving closer
You keep going away
’cause you’re my guilty pleasure
And you caught me so tight
I wanna love you always
Let’s smile into the night
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
You are the one for me
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
You are the one for me
Can you, can you see the flame
The boring side my body
Everytime you are here
’cause you’re the one i dream of
Everyday and night
Don’t give away my feelings
And come into my life
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
you are the one for me
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
You are the one for me
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
You are the one for me
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
Still got feelings you are my passion
Don’t let go
Don’t run away love
You are the one for me
Încearca aici:
Pa, pa!
Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
[CHORUS] x 2
Uitel aici
My Passion-Akcent
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
[CHORUS] x 2
si uite un site pe care scrii ce melodie doresti si primesti versurile:x
Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
[CHORUS] x 2
uitele corecte;)
Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Versuri Akcent - My passion
de pe
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2 si in romana:
Inca am sentimente, pasiunea mea
Esti singura pentru mine X2
Poti, poti sa ma auzi spunand
Cand vin mai aproape
Tu pleci departe
Pentru ca tu esti placerea mea vinovata
Si m-ai prins bine
Vreau sa te iubesc mereu
Hai sa zambim in noapte
Nu o lasa sa plece
Nu alunga dragostea
Sentimente inca sunt tu esti pasiunea mea
Nu o lasa sa plece
Nu alunga dragostea
Tu esti singura pentru mine
Versuri Akcent - My passion-romana
de pe
Poti, poti sa simti flacara
Partea plictisitoare a corpului
Cat timp esti aici
Caci esti singura ce-o visez
In fiecare zi si noapte
Nu alungasentimentele mele
Si vino in viata mea
Refren X2
Poti, poti sa ma auzi spunand
Cand vin mai aproape
Tu pleci departe
Pentru ca tu esti placerea mea vinovata
Si m-ai prins bine
Vreau sa te iubesc mereu
Hai sa zambim ïn noapte
Refren X2
Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Versuri Akcent - My passion
de pe
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
[CHORUS] x 2
Still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
still got feelings you are my passion
you are the one for me
can you, can you hear me say
when i'm moving closer
you keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
and you caught me so tight
i wanna love you always
let's smile into the night
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passion
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
Find More lyrics at
x 2
can you, can you see the flame
the boring side my body
everytime you are here
'cause you're the one i dream of
everyday and night
don't give away my feelings
and come into my life
don't let go
don't run away love
still got feelings you are my passïon
don't let go
don't run away love
you are the one for me
x 2
[CHORUS] x 2
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