Ca e un eretic conform iudaismului?
Pentru ca trebuia sa adune adepti.Nu functiona fara sa umble la peostia omului.
Singura religie care vorbeste de iadul vesnic este crestinismul care cica inseamna iubire
Judaism has no official dogma regarding what happens to the soul after death outside of the soul being immortal. In truth, Judaism barely spends any time discussing what may or may not happen when we die, this is because Judaism focuses on this current life. The topic is barely mentioned in the Tanach (Jewish Bible) and even then just as inferences. Therefore, we don't believe in the existence of either heaven or hell.
There are some loose theories of what might happen to the soul when one dies though:
* When we die, our souls are cleansed of any wrongdoings. This is done by our accounting of every action done in life. It's believed that this process takes no longer than 12 months but most people don't do enough bad in life to warrant it taking a full 12 months.
* Our souls return to HaShem to wait for the world to come.
* Our souls may be reincarnated into different people so that we have additional chances to work to become closer to HaShem.
* Those souls that choose to be truly evil in life, cannot survive the process of cleansing and cease to exist.
Note: These theories are independent of religious affiliation.