| Miaw21 a întrebat:

Hei! Azi am gasit pe youtube ceva ce m-a uimit la culme. Este vorba despre un film produs de "Holy Moly Pictures". Filmul urmareste povestea unor adolescenti care aduc intr-o biserica o revista pornografica moment in care incep sa fie urmariti de un demon care incearca sa-i extermine (?). Aici aveti trailer-ul:
Acum vine si intrebarea: ce parere aveti despre asta? Are legatura pornografia cu aparitiile demonice asa cum se mentioneaza in acest film? Adica, nu stiu ce sa zic, acum mi-e frica sa ma mai uit in reviste "murdare"...

Revenind la realitate, credeti ca filmul e real sau o parodie? Eu nu pot sa-mi dau seama...

6 răspunsuri:
| doctorandus a răspuns:

Ha, ha, ha, daca ar avea dovezi ca exista demoni ar fi cea mai mare descoperire stiintifica a secolului XXI.

| Dandanache a răspuns:

Nu stiu daca e parodie sau serios. Sigur nu e real. Uite aici cum a fost realizat efectul "Demon Face" al baiatului. Il poti face si tu pe calculatorul de acasa.


| sublime89 a răspuns:

Nu exista demoni. E doar o propaganda crestina conservatoare impotriva pornografiei.

| Miaw21 explică (pentru sublime89):

Stiu, eu am pus-o doar ca sa va amuzati si ca sa aflu daca-i parodie sau nu. Cata prostie sa ai sa faci asa un film? laughing

| an0therkid a răspuns:

Pare un pic haios... adica oameni urmariti de demoni pentru niste reviste pornografice? laughing mai de graba ii urmareau ingerii adica... come on
iar filmul probabil e o parodie

| Miaw21 explică (pentru an0therkid):

Nu stiu ce sa zic. Adica, m-am uitat pe site-ul lor si uite ce-am gasit:

The following information has recently been released to the public. It was the decision of the board at First Baptist Church to "officially" release the following information about what happened in the spring of 2010.
In the spring of 2010, a church lock in at First Baptist Church was organized by Pastor Chris. In the first hour of the lock in, one of the students, Justin, had an unusual "incident" and was "inconsolable."
It was reported that he calmed down and kept to himself for the remainder of the event.
Two days after the lock in, Justin reportedly broke down to his parents that he experienced something "evil" at the lock in. He also claimed he captured everything on tape.
After watching the footage, the parents met with church leaders to discuss criminal charges they were considering filing against the church for child endangerment, neglect and torture.
A special hearing was immediately organized to find out what was on the tape.
Two pastors, six elders and an unknown number of overseers met at an undisclosed location to view the footage of the tape. It was reported that two of the elders resigned their duties immediately after viewing the footage.
Pastor Chris, after viewing the footage, turned in his immediate resignation to the church board.
A undisclosed settlement was made between the church and families involved.
The footage was officially released in May of 2013 in full cooperation with the families and individuals involved.
Holy Moly Pictures would like to thank the families and the First Baptist Church for their cooperation in releasing the footage to the public