14 răspunsuri:
| chelstone a răspuns:

Aici ne este prezentat un dorogat care se injecta de 20 de ori pe zi si care a avut revelatii cu iisus?! laughing Putea sa vorbeasca si cu Cleopatra sau cu Marilyn Monroe, ce relevanta are?!

This article present us a guy who used drugs and who had revelations with Jesus?! laughing It's not funny?! I think it is a correct result.

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| Kosuchin a răspuns:

Parca e rupta dintr-o carte scrisa de adventisti.

| evostyle7 a răspuns:

Yeah, sure, let`s truly believe an "all fuckin` lifetime stoned person".
I`m sick of you, cheap stories believers. Better give me an LSD dose and I`ll tell you what will God tell me about the creation of the universe.

| Coconutz a răspuns (pentru evostyle7):

You dont really sound like a smart person to me. Calm down.

| evostyle7 a răspuns (pentru Coconutz):

And your reply isn`t helpful and is not even on topic. So if you wanted to show us that you know English [ which you don`t ], just delete your comment. By the way, you`ll live forever in heaven because you called me not smart after I offended your God. U happy now, troll? By the way - part 2 - you must have a very complex system of smartness recognition... 4 lines are enough for you to tabulate any person, right? Religious fu*ked retard.

| Coconutz a răspuns (pentru evostyle7):

My native language is not english so i dont need to prove anything to you. I wont live in heaven because i dont believe in the christian god. My very comples system of smartness recognition is not that complex.I dont need extra brain cells to see that you are not wrapped to tight. I guess you are right 4 lines arent enough.but now that you wrote 7. you pretty much made it obvious.
I dont really get you atheists. Is it so impossible that a higher being exists? Can you prove it to me? Do you have all the evidence needed to show me that the universe we live is normal. That there wasnt any inteligent design added to it. If you were a bit more open minded and calm maybe i would have told you one or two things to twist the wheels inside your head. But i dont think it is worth it.

| evostyle7 a răspuns (pentru Coconutz):

My native language isn`t English either. I can`t really understand why were you so offended. I think you should prove me the existence of a higher being, not me. And hey, thanks for care, my brain`s just fine.

| Coconutz a răspuns (pentru evostyle7):

I can prove it.If you are calm enough and you accept my english the way it is.

| evostyle7 a răspuns (pentru Coconutz):

If you think you can prove in a comment what a thousand pages book can`t, you must be awesome. So I take that challenge. I`ll listen to you. One comment only, no matter how long is it.

| Coconutz a răspuns (pentru evostyle7):

I probably wont prove anything to you because its hard to change a person. But i will try.
Lets start from the beggining.
Science confirms that TIME had a beggining. They say it was the "big bang ". But anyways the clock started ticking from 0.
Then there is SPACE. If we have space when do we have it. Space needs time to exist. Space as time it is said to have started from the big bang. The explosion expaning the known boundries of the universe and today it is still expanding.
Then MATTER. Matter is the stuf were made.Matter can not be destroyed or created from nothing.To be destroyed i think we have antimatter so that is covered but it would release a extreme amount of energy and it would be contrary to what we need. Matter could not have created itself. They tried to find the Higs bosson the particle that gives matter mass but they couldnt find it so it still is mistery how we have matter.Also matter can not exist without space. You have matter? where do you put? And when also?
"In the beggining God created the heavens and the earth. And then he said let there be light " Famous words but try reading them now " In the beggining of TIME, God created the space and matter. And then he said let there be ENERGY "
Energy. The stuff that moves everything. The sun is pretty much a big giant tank of energy.

This is interesting because a 4000 year book knew a lot about stuff science discovered hundred of years ago.

If god was to create everything we would need evidence that is present to our day.
And we have it. It is called the Fibonacci sequence or how some call it the fingerprint of god.I will not go in detail but i will leave a pretty good video explaining it http://www.wimp.com/fibonaccisequence/. Please do watch it is pretty cool.

Finished? Good. As you seen the sequence creates a spiral. http://www.daviddarling.info/images/Milky_Way_Galaxy_artwork.jpg this picture pretty much show what im trying to say. Most of galaxies respect this spiral.
Also our body respects the fibonaci sequence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=085KSyQVb-U.
This is the fingerprint of god.

A law of thermodynamics specifies that everything tends to go in disorder or chaos. If you leave an Apple on the table it will rott. But yet this law doesnt change. Our ability to do rational decisions and do moral actions is not something inherited from animals.We are the only species on the planet that can not adapt to the enviroment, but we adapt the enviroment to us. You live somewhere cold? Build a house.
Why are we so different in methods.

Lets say there is a god. But we have so many of them. The fact is, everyone has their own perception of god. I dont belive in the bible god but i do believe in the higher entity wich i cant understand. We have reason to live and that reason was given.

Well i did my best. The rest is your own oppinion.

| evostyle7 a răspuns:

You`re a patient person, and I somehow enjoyed your post. You put there some scientific proofs, some of which I watched, so for a while I didn`t think you would have added god in discussion. Towards to perception of god, you see, as long as science have not still offered us a 100% viable reconstruction of how things happened from beginning to present, but in the same time there is a very popular book, people are tempted to believe in it completely. They just can`t accept another better and viable demonstration. And that`s how we involute. But I realised that you`re not kinda` one of them, you can keep your eyes wide open in some situations. People I`m sick of, are indoctrinated ones.
As trade, i highly recommend you to watch this. I know it`s veeeeery long, but it`s very interesting too.

| Coconutz a răspuns (pentru evostyle7):

Da deci clar esti roman. Si din drecriptia primului video. Cred ca credem in aceleasi chestii. Oarecum diferite. Constiinta, civilizatii stravechi si alte chestii de genul. Biblia este folosita acum ca un instrument de manipulare. Si intr-adevar cel mai urat tip de persoana este inchisa la minte si indoctrinata. Eram si eu mult timp asa dar apoi am devenit mai religios. Am descoperit ca nu credeam in nimic. nici in mine. Am dezvoltate o nevoie de cunostinte si am inceput sa pun totul sub semnul intrebarii. O sa urmaresc acel documentar dar cand voi avea timp.A si acum ca ma uit mai bine iti voi da ceva care cred ca te va interesa de altfel.Nu este cumva tipul de la 1:03 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OibqdwHyZxk?
Geometria sacra. Asta ma fascineaza pe mine acum. Floarea vietii, Samanta vietii, cubul lui metraton, planuri astrale, constiinta.
Am inceput cu stangu si se pare ca nu a fost foarte corect.

| evostyle7 a răspuns (pentru Coconutz):

El este. Vizionare placuta.