| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Oare de ce?

Thus Says the Lord: "NO leader amongst the churches of men, who teaches the doctrine of hell and eternal torment, shall by any means be gathered; neither shall
any who embrace this teaching escape, for I do not know them, neither do I abide in them. And NOT ONE who comes speaking against this Word or My prophets, to stone them in word and by deed, to slander them, to spit upon them, to strike at them, to bring even one railing accusation against them, whether it be in open or in secret, shall by any means escape the Day of The Lord, except by death or martyrdom!

Death to those who refuse to repent and cease not from shaking their fists at God and His elect; and martyrdom for those who repent after the time, with a sincere and remorseful heart over all which they had done against God and His prophets.

For I tell you the truth, neither age nor gender shall deliver them, for The Lord your God is no respecter of persons; I know your hearts. For as I am, says The Lord, so shall I be; and as I have always done, so shall I perform it again, even amongst this modern and perverse generation.

My children, unless you call on the name of The Son, in true repentance, with sincere remorse in your hearts... A broken vessel atop this same Stone, which is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God and Everlasting Father, Immanu El... You will by no means escape.

Repent therefore, and run to your Savior! Flee all these churches of men and all their self-appointed apostles, prophets and teachers! Run to YahuShua, whom you call Christ and Jesus! For He, alone, is your hope and your shield... Your only escape.

For by Him alone shall you come into glory, abiding in The Father’s joy!

For the fear of YaHuWaH is indeed the beginning of wisdom,
And knowledge received in The Holy One is understanding...

Therefore abide in Him, and you have Me also!

Yet abide in the world,
And you shall also reap the world’s reward...




For I will be glorified, says The Lord God of Hosts,
And My name shall resound in all the earth!"

Says the Lord

Vai vai si iar vai!
De asta vad unii atei care spun sa ei nu ar sluji unui asemenea Dumnezeu. Asta e grav. De aceea oamenii nu au dragoste pentru Dumnezeu.
Ce ne facem LUME?

2 răspunsuri:
| Hombre a răspuns:

Ce ne facem? Ne luam capre, măi prea cuviosule "vai vai si iar vai" de ce te sclifosesti in engleza mă, de ce, iar limba romana o ciuntesti? Nota 4, la capre cu tine.

| Mădă0611 a răspuns:

laughing Ce imi place cand vad dăştia ca tine cum se agita sa-l mareasca pe dumnezeu, si daca le urmaresti activitatea, ii vezi "de la o fosta ateista" (tu + altii), "am fost posedata" (tanti cu mesaje kilometrice", care mi-e imposibil sa nu mi-o amintesc atunci cand te vad). Asta spune tot smug Astept 2 voturi, nefolositor si eronat, vad ca au lupici la mine, din partea ta. Asta iar spune multe. Demni de mila, "ex posedati" care ataca atei ca sa isi spele pacatele in loc sa mearga sa se calugareasca, sau sa aiba grija de caprele lui Hombre. smug Eventual sa va cumparati capre, ca sunteti prea multi.