| AvalohAlyn a întrebat:

Pentru cine doreste sa afle totul sau mult mai multe despre viata Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos va recomand cartea care se gaseste in mai multe titluri:Viata lui Iisus sau Hristos,Lumina lumii scrisa de Ellen G. White.E o carte foarte buna si documentata in ceea ce priveste viata lui Iisus.E complexa si poate nu va fi doar o simpla lecturate ci o intalnire cu Iisus Hristos,Cel ce a spus "Eu sunt Calea, Adevarul si Viata".
Intrebarea este :A citit-o cineva? Ce parere v-a lasat? Va intereseaza Viata lui Iisus?

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27 răspunsuri:
| doctorandus a răspuns:

Scrisa prin metoda copy/Ponta.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Vaticanul spune ca NU cu toate ca a fost unul dintre cei mai mari dusmani ai lor. Studiul a durat sapte ani si au fost luate cuvant cu, cuvant la puricat dar poate de aia autoarea se afla printe cei 100 de oameni fauritori ai natiei amenricane, ca se pricepe la "plagiat".P.S. In afara de Biblie este singura carte religioasa acceptata in locurile de reeducare. Este recunoscuta ca fiind cea mai completa carte despre viata lui Isus Hristos in afara de religia ortodoxa (cred).

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Ellen White claimed to have authored over 5000 articles, 49 books and 57 manuscripts. However, she does not credit the original sources from which she extensively borrowed and even copied word-for-word at times.Her Sketches from the Life of Paul was drawn mostly from Conybeare & Howson's Life and Epistles of Paul, and was withdrawn from sale after it was found by in-house investigators that the plagiarism could not be denied. Her book, The Great Controversy contains whole paragraphs and passages of thought lifted with breathtaking audacity from D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation and Wylie's History of Protestantism. No quotation marks or acknowledgement of any k.i.n.d is offered. In fact, the edition of The Great Controversy published in 1911 sheepishly introduced quotation marks and credits more than 400 sources that had previously been passed off as Whites original material in earlier editions The SDA church has repeatedly come under criticism for covering up this plagiarism. Later editions of White's books are altered in an effort to conceal her earlier plagiarism. All of her major books contained plagiarism and paraphrasing and heavy reliance on whole sequences of ideas and interpretations of Scripture.The SDA church was taken to court on charges of plagiarism, which is to be found in Ellen White's book, Sketches from the Life of Paul. The church lost the legal case and the book was withdrawn from print.The SDA church published a response to the charges of plagiarism, admitting that White had copied from others. Their defence was that there were no copyright laws at the time - therefore she hadn't done anything wrong. This misses the point entirely, and admits that Ellen White sometimes wrote from the inspiration of men, not God though some of the very passages under question begin with statements indicating that she wanted readers to see them as direct revelations from the Lord whilst in a supernatural trance.Citate de pe http://www.letusreason.org/7thAd40.htm

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Ramik nu era Vaticanul. Avocatul a fost educat in religia catolica, dar nu era catolic practicant.In ce priveste plagiatul, madam White a copiat inclusiv greselile de istorie ale autorilor respectivi.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Datele copiate nu sunt plagiat atunci cand sunt folosite de toti si adnise ca baza de informatii. P. S. Gica asta a facut toate studile la ordinul si sub tutela Vaticanului.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Sunt destui ca tine care contesta respectiva scriitoare, este opinia unora care au supt la acelasi piept iar cand au fost intarcati au dat cu piciorul la vasul cu lapte, mai cauta si la admiratori nu numai la zeflemitori, a am uitat, nu cumva si tu esti unul care a spupt la acelasi piept?

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Dr. Numbers... states frankly in the preface of his book that he has "refrained from using divine inspiration as an historical explanation."... I would argue that a consideration of the entire life, work and writings of Mrs. White makes the supernatural explanation more satisfying to me.
Richard W. Schwarz, Departamentul de istorie al Universității Andrews

Mergând pe această idee putem susține că Ponta nu a plagiat, ci Dumnezeu i-a revelat conținutul tezei de doctorat.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Daca Ponta a plagiat atunci toti care au facut o lucrare de doctorat di Romania in ultima suta de ani sunt plagiatori. In ceea ce priveste pe Ellen White inainte de a o acuza de plagiat citeste ceea ce spune ea despre tratamentele sanitare inca de pe vremea cand singurele tratamente erau luarea de sange si inhalatii cu tutun, poate descoperi plagiatul intregi omeniri la tratamentele naturale promovate in toata lumea.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Ramik a fost angajat de Conferinta Generala a AZS: "Review: Why did you choose Diller, Ramik & Wight, Ltd., for this task?" http://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/762.98

Singura lui legatura cu Vaticanul era faptul ca a fost botezat si crescut catolic. Dar cei care i-au platit serviciile au fost adventistii.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Ea credea saraca in ideea ca Dumnezeu i-a revelat faptul ca onanismul este cauza tuberculozei.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Sigur ai o copie la chitantele acnitate de adventisti.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Ai avut vreo revelatie in acest sens sau este o consecinta a sanatati tale mintale?

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Citat din An Appeal to Mothers, Ellen G. White, 1864: " Females possess less vital force than the other sex, and are deprived very much of the bracing, invigorating air, by their in-doors life. The results of self-abuse in them is seen in various diseases, such as catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, great weakness in the back and loins, affections of the spine, the head often decays inwardly. Cancerous humor, which would lay dormant in the system their life-time, is inflamed, and commences its eating, destructive work. The mind is often utterly ruined, and insanity takes place.

I was referred to Rom. i, 18-32, as a true description of the world previous to the second appearing of Christ. The only hope for those who practice vile habits is to forever leave them if they place any value upon health here, and salvation hereafter. When these habits have been indulged in for quite a length of time, it requires a determined effort to resist temptation, and refuse the corrupt indulgence. The Mr. -, mentioned, had practiced these habits so long he seemed to have lost the control of himself. He was naturally a smart man, possessing more than common abilities. But how were all his powers of body and mind brought into subjection by Satan, and consumed upon his altar! This man had gone so far he seemed to be left of God. He would go into the woods and spend days and nights in fasting and prayer that he might overcome this great sin, and then would return to his old habits. God did not hear his prayers. He asked God to do for him what had been in his power to do for himself. He had vowed to God, time and again, and had as often broken his vows, and given himself up to his own corrupt lust, until God had left him to work his own ruin. He has since died. He was a self-murderer. The purity of heaven will never be marred with his society. Those who destroy themselves by their own acts will never have eternal life. They that will continue to abuse the health and life given them of God in this world, would not make a right use of health and immortal life were it granted them in God's everlasting kingdom.

The practice of secret habits surely destroys the vital forces of the system. All unnecessary vital action will be followed by corresponding depression. Among the young, the vital capital, the brain, is so severely taxed at an early age, that there is a deficiency, and great exhaustion, which leaves the system exposed to disease of various kinds. But the most common of these is consumption. None can live when their vital energies are used up. They must die. God hates everything impure, and his frown is upon all who give themselves up to gradual and sure decay." (p. 17).

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Acolo Warren L. Johns, chief counsel of the Office of General Counsel, General Conference of SDA spune de ce i-a platit pe Diller, Ramik & Wight, Ltd. si nu pe altii. Si normal ca au platit avocatul ca sa-i apere, nu ca sa-i acuze.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

De unde sti tu care a fost scopul real?

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Traducerea te rog, chiar daca inteleg cuvintele nu sunt atat de subtil incat sa pot intelege unui asemenea text in profunzimea lui.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

"Practicarea obiceiurilor secrete distruge in mod sigur fortele vitale ale sistemului. Orice actiune vitala care nu e necesara va fi urmata de deprimarea corespunzatoare. Printre cei tineri, capitalul vital, creierul, este atat de grav afectat de la varste fragede, incat apare deficienta si o mare epuizare, ceea ce lasa sistemul expus diferitelor boli. Dar cea mai frecventa dintre ele este tuberculoza. Nimeni nu poate trai dupa folosirea energiilor sale vitale, ci trebuie sa moara. Dumnezeu uraste orice este impur, iar dezgustul lui este peste toti cei care se dedau degradarii treptate si sigure."

Termeni ca "forta vitala" si "energie vitala" nu mai sunt folositi in medicina de cel putin o suta de ani, iar argumentul ca epuizarea fortei vitale conduce la aparitia bolilor, printre care cea mai frecventa fiind tuberculoza, este in momentul actual un argument pseudostiintific. De ex. s-a demonstrat ca m. nu slabeste, ci intareste sistemul imunitar, deci ar face mai improbabila infectarea cu anumite boli. Plus ca madam White nu stia ce e ala bacil Koch si punea tuberculoza in seama unor actiuni care nu sunt absolut necesare.

Madam White si-a pus toti banii pe un cal care s-a dovedit necastigator (vitalismul). Si a mai si pretins ca nu vorbeste cu de la sine putere, ci aceste lucruri i-ar fi fost revelate de Dumnezeu.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

Dragule, tu compari ce spun (?) oamenii de stiinta fara credinta (din fericire sunt foarte putini) si Ellen Wite care aduce in discutie ceea ce intretine viata in orice fiinta vie de pe planeta noastra, Suflarea de Viata sau in traducerea ta Energia sau Forta vitala. Nimeni nu poate exista fara aceasta forta vitala sau cum vrei tu sa-i spui. Ca este recunoscuta sau nu de o unii nu va fi negata de altii. Ellen Withe nu era doctor ci doar a dat niste sfaturi generaliste care sunt la ora actuala cele mai viabile din lume, hrana rationala, medicina naturala, educatia care sunt, vrei sau nu cele mai bune din lume. O femeie umila sa stea la baza medicini naturale moderne. O lume intreaga mananca ce a fost descoperit prin intermediul ei, oare o fi gresit Dumnezeu cand a inspirat-o ca ea saraca la 1850 nu avea de unde sa stie asa ceva, ceea ce doctorii descopera acum si sa vezi cati specialisti au aparut dupa mai bine de 160 de ani. Sa-ti spun ceva, si nicotina are lucruri pozitive, de ex vit.PP dar in esenta este cauzatoare de moarte, asa si ceea ce folosesc doctorii astazi. Inainte daca aveai gripa se folosea Acalor care avea piramidon, paracetamol si chinina, cu 5 pastile scapai de o gripa puternica, acum iti dau medicamente de sinteza care nu te ajuta cu nimic, pot lua 100 de nurofene ca tot la groapa mergi, ce a disparut, medicamentele facute din produse naturale care te vindecau. daca faci malarie, mori linistit ca nu se mai importa chinina, astia sunt doctorii care nu mai folosesc notiunea de forta vitala, folosesc nurofen.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru danut):

Deh, spalarea creierului! E o contradictie intre ideea ca doar oamenii de stiinta necredinciosi afirma asa ceva si ca oamenii de stiinta necredinciosi ar fi foarte putini. Ca daca ar fi foarte putini oameni de stiinta care sa nu aprobe vitalismul, el s-ar folosi la greu, ceea ce nu se intampla.

| AvalohAlyn explică (pentru doctorandus):

Pana la urma, ce tot atatea contradictii intre voi, cartea e mai mult decat buna, frumoasa si captivanta.E o adevarata enciclopedie pentru a Il cunoaste mai bine pe Iisus Hristos.Indiferent din ce cult face parte.O spun eu, botezat ortodox.

| danut a răspuns (pentru doctorandus):

In 10 ani se uita foarte multe, darmite in 200.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AvalohAlyn):

Acuma, da, si eu daca dau cu jula in operele a cinci profesori universitari din Vest pot sa scriu o carte de sta matu-n coada.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru AvalohAlyn):

„Că Ellen White a preluat text de la alți autori a fost admis în mod deschis de către ea (cf. GC xi-xii) și de către persoane apropiate ei (cf. 2SM 451-465)."
—Denis Fortin & Jerry Moon, The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia

| doctorandus a răspuns:

Willey, T. Joe (5 January 2017). "The Great Controversy Over Plagiary: The Last Interview of Walter Rea". spectrummagazine.org. Retrieved 3 April 2020. "Robert Olson, secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate, said, "The church is not denying the accumulating evidence of White’s copying…."

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Serios omule, tu chiar ar trebui sa iti faci prieteni sa mai iesi din casa.

| aabaaab3278 a răspuns:

Eu iti recomand sa vezi asta: