| JulyDreams a întrebat:

Cunoasteti studenti la teologie? Ma intereseaza sa aflu ce invata ei la facultate, ce cursuri au. Are loc si o evaluare a progresului interior, nivelul de constiinta al fiecarui student?
Facultatea de teologie este o scoala spirituala pentru trezirea constiintei? Poate sunt cercuri restranse de studenti preocupati de asta?
Din curiozitate intreb doar.

3 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu ai spus ce fel de teologie. Este reformata, romano-catolica, greco-catolica, ortodoxa, adventista etc. Sunt diferente mari intre ele. Toate scolile de teologie sunt scoli spirituale, au ca indreptar principal biblia care este cea mai importanta carte pentru crestini. O carte care lumineaza pana si cele mai impietrite suflete.

| JulyDreams explică (pentru anonim_4396):

N-am specificat ca ma gandeam sa nu pun prea multe criterii si sa raspunda mai multi. Dar probabil nu cunoaste nimeni ce se face la facultatea resp.

| doctorandus a răspuns (pentru JulyDreams):

A black pastor who’d earned his Master of Divinity (M. Div.) told me, "I wouldn’t suggest you go to seminary. There’s-a reason they call them cemeteries. People go there to die [spiritually]."
— John Richards, Confessions of a Black Seminarian

I remember Tami coming into the meeting and sharing her sense of call to minister to women, to those struggling in marriages, and I remember her saying something about becoming a speaker for women’s events. She then said that she would begin by entering into seminary. Of course, as soon as she mentioned seminary, I immediately began to imagine how this mom with three small kids at home would be devoured by liberal seminary professors like the ones I had at Princeton. I imagined her crisis of faith like the crisis I endured in Princeton. I imagined her intellectual meltdown like the meltdown that led me to lose my faith all together for a season. And of course, the very first words that came out of my mouth were, "Tami, I don’t think you need to go to seminary to pursue this particular call. I think there are many opportunities to do this cand of ministry without having to go through seminary." Pastor Drew, who was seated close by and had a very similar experience to mine while he attended the Divinity School at Vanderbilt, chimed in with almost the same exact sentiment. Now please understand, Drew and I loved Tami and we wanted what was best for our church member her family…which for us meant trying to talk her out of going to seminary!
— Colonial Presbyterian Church, EPC, On Knowing God’s Will and Doing God’s Will

Have you ever heard someone say that seminaries are cemeteries? The idea in that sentence is that you go to seminary with a living faith, but your faith dies while you get lost in a stack of scholarship, theology, and philosophy. One friend told me that in his entrance interview to a certain seminary he was asked the following question. "Every student comes to a point in seminary where they lose their faith; how will you handle that?" My friend decided that was not a seminary he wanted to attend, so he joined Ashland Theological Seminary instead, where I met him in class.
— Preston Yoder, Seminary: A Near Death Experience?

Dar daca iubesti stiinta de carte, a studia la facultate nu-ti poate face decat bine.