Esti tare, de unde ai scos asa "istorie:? Istoricul ROMAN Flavius (pagan, nu crestin) are in scrierile sale notari despre Isus Hristos si asta (Flavius) a trait cu mult inainte de ceea ce spui tu. Uite ca ti-am dat dovada, fugi la groapa de furnici cu ignoranta si neputintele tale.
La același consiliu a fost creată și creatura cunoscută de noi ca Fecioara Maria. Totul e o copie mai mult sau mai puțin fidelă a Triadei Divine Egiptene: Ausar(/Osiris), Auset(/Isis) și Heru (/Horus). Poți afla destul de ușor ceea ce scriu aici și de unul singur. Paginile scrise în engleză sînt mai detaliate cu privire la subiectele astea, deci recomand să cauți termenii pe engleză așa: Council of Ephesus, Theotokos, Serapis Christus. Îți spun doar că nu sînt informații ușor de asimilat și trebuie să te familiarizezi bine în legătură cu mai multe "questiuni" și să citești de mai multe ori ca să capeți o imagine clară asupra a ceea ce s-a întîmplat. Pornește de aici de exemplu
Spui aberatii. Secte au existat dintotdeauna. La sinoadele ecumenice nu s-a adaugat nimic. Doar s-au facut confirmari. Ia si citeste stenogramele sinoadelor si iesi din aceasta ignoranta criminala...
Exista foarte multe izvoare scrise care vorbesc de Isus Hristos, anterioare anului 431 en, mentionez numai scrierile parintilor bisericii, datate de istorici laici, in majoritate atei. Tu cum citesti o minciuna care iti place, o si crezi; esti extrem de credul.
Domnul Isus exista din veșnicii, ca fiul lui Dumnezeu care atât de mult ne-a iubit încât a ales sa se întrupeze si sa se jertfească pentru mântuirea omenirii.Biblia se împlinește in tot ce s-a proorocit pana la revenirea Domnului Isus.In Biblie sta scris ca fiara se va încumeta sa schimbe vremile si legea.S-a schimbat calendarul lăsat de Dumnezeu de doua ori, la fel si Legea celor zece porunci, la porunca a patra sabatul zilei a șaptea care cădea in zi de sâmbătă, a fost schimbat cu ziua întâi a săptămânii, adică duminica.Aceste exemple le-am dat ca sa vezi ca Biblia este adevărata in intregime si am luat aceste exemple petru ca sunt mai recente si pot fi dovedite fiindca le traim.
Mai Nataraule, dar cum le stii tu pe toate? Imi poti exolica si mie de ce in Coran este descrisa existenta lui Iisus Hristos in conditiile in care musulmanii nu au participat la sinoadele ecumenice?
Teoria inventarii crestinismului de catre asa-zisa familie Piso este considerata pseodoistorica chiar si de catre atei.
Citeste articolul din link, platforma Rational wiki este creata de atei si pana si acestia considera teoria ca fiind falsa:
Nu mai da crezare la toate porcariile pe care le gasesti pe net in elanul de a te da destept.
Noi astia care credem, suntem indoctrinati, dar si voi astia care nu credeti, faceti parte tot dintr-o doctrina. Peste 40 de ani vei fi tu cel care este demodat. Credinta nu este o pereche de blugi la moda. Crezi sau nu. Argumente sunt de ambele parti. Fii un om bun, ca nu te intreaba nimeni in ce zeitate crezi
Mai eu nu stiu despre Iisus Cristus, poate nu o fi existat, dar stiu ca Iisus Hristos exista! Si cine a descoperit ca ceea ce zici tu este adevarat? si ce dovezi are? Iar parerea ta care este? Crezi tu ca Iisus Hristos nu exista? Eu unul L-am cunoscut in viata mea, acum depinde de tine daca vrei sa Il cunosti. Trebuie doar sa crezi in El, altfel, El pentru tine nu exista. Asa cum fiecare dintre noi avem alegeri bune si alegeri rele, totul depinde de noi, de alegerile noastre ceea ce vrem sa fim: vrem sa fim cu Dumnezeu, suntem, nu vrem sa fim, nu suntem. In principiu toate cunostinte si invataturile Domnului (indiferent daca crezi in El sau nu) sa stii ca sunt mai bune decat toate cartile de psihologie. Ele te vor face sa fii om bucuros si implinit in viata asta, si iti zic asta din propria experienta. Indiferent de greutati.
Nici nu are rost să le răspund celor ca "danut". Sînt prea îndoctrinați cu minciuni (și implicit modul lor de operare e Credința) ca să mai pot discuta ceva cu ei, să le tot răspund la insulte n-are sens și mi-aș strica ziua.
Pentru cine are chef să citească porcării și tîmpenii, doar las istoria asta incorectă aici:
The New Testament was a " Play ". Part 1
Most people don’t realize that the New Testament was a " Play" written by the Calpurnius Piso’s family who were Roman Aristocrats. (Side note... Joseph Ben Mathaias who is Josephus Flvious Piso also known by the Muslims as Bukhari wrote the Quran). The New Testament and all the characters in it, including Jesus, all the Joseph’s, all the characters in the and they tied the story into a specific time and place in history. They even got Ahmed in by Barnabas.
You have to trace his history carefully to catch the trick. He is recorded as being a Jewish historian and a soldier in the Jewish revolt against the Romans 66 AD. After this betrayal, he won the favor of the Roman general Vespasian. The play was authorized by a historian named Arius Calpurnius Piso; but originally Joseph Ben Mathaias, who’s pen name was Flavius Josephus (37 AD- 93AD). The name Piso was supposedly derived from the Latin word " Pistror " which originally meant " One who ground have a Miller or Baker" Piso is the most prominent family In the Calpurnius clan. This man, Piso along with other Roman scribes are the true authors of your Bible. They created the stories and characters.
Arius Calpurnius Piso wrote in order the following : The Gospel of Matthew 70 - 75 CE, gospel of Mark 75-80 CE, and the Gospel of Luke 85-90 CE. In the Gospel story, Piso inserted himself by playing the role not only of Jesus, but all of the Joseph’s, as well. He particularly enjoying assuming the identity of Joseph. He wanted to create a Jewish hero, A savior, in fictional form. He and his father before him created the identity of a second Joseph secretly, rearranged, The four Hebrew letters ( Yod "y" Vav " w" Samekh "oy" Pe "p"), which in that language spell the name Joseph, thus, they saw themselves as the new Joseph. That is why so much of the story of Joseph in Egypt is secretly redone and inserted into the Gospel story of Jesus. Piso created a composite figure of Jesus. He inserted, Redrawn pictures of Joseph in Egypt, and other Jews of the Bible; elements from essenic writings; and characters of various pagan gods. Piso Gods. Plagiarized the Hebrew Scriptures. He especially borrowed from Isiah whose 44 chapter was most helpful to him because that is where he received most of his ideas of Jesus being Emmanuel ( Isiah 7:14), and from Psalm 22 but mainly from Egypt. His idea of making Jesus a God to whom everyone bowed, worshipped, and prayed to, came from Isiah. Later they created a second hero by the name of Paul, and made him fulfill the acts that they forgot to have Jesus fulfill in the synoptic gospel.
The New Testament was a " Play" part 2
By now you should understand that Josephus was really Calpurnius Piso and that he was the founder and author of the Jesus story. Joseph wrote himself as the father, as Jesus, and his three sons and as the three main disciples. Calpurnius Piso inserted himself and his family repeatedly by numbers and other methods into the Gospels. He was the leader of the play and had most of the important parts because he wanted to have power over the Jews. So now you see, The whole Jesus story is false and so is the Christian doctrine.
He altered history, changed books, fabricated stories and played games with his specialty language. Some of his works were history of the Jewish war, Antiquity of the Jews, and against Apion ( a defense of the Jews). He took on Roman citizenship, because of their influence in the world and became the governor of Galilee, which was his original home and first language Galilean a form of Arabic.
The Bible was Galilean first, so the Jews, Romans, Greeks, could not read it, so he had the upper hand. That is what Acts 3 ( speaking in Tongues) is all about, translating from Galilee to other languages to spread his new teachings called " Christianity " first in Antioch ( Acts 15:35).
Calpurnius Piso was the creator of Paul’s teachings which was to deviate from the original Hebraic teachings and combined them with Roman and mythology such as the changing his name from Saul to Paul(Acts 13:9). Elimination of circumcision ( Acts 21:21) and disregard for the Sabbath and finally breaking a blood code or the seed code, mixing in with other groups like the Romans. This is on like the teachings of Jesus who claimed that he only came to his own people ( Matthew 15:27)
He is responsible for the corruption of the original teachings by creating a fictitious story and incident of fire worship through the Holy Ghost found in Acts 2:3.
Acts 2:3
" and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them".
About speaking in tongues and being filled with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost altering it from the Jewish jubilee and he said the one language spoke amongst them was Galilean " Arabic ".
Acts 2:7
" and they were all amazed and marveled, Saying one to another, are not all these which speak Galilaens? "
A form of Arabic, which later became a host of other languages into which the doctrine could be translated and the true meanings lost ( Acts 2:9 - 11). Acts 2:7 identifies the languages at that time as Galilean, but then it is broken up into : 1. Parthian ( Egyptian) 2. Medes ( Persian ) 3. Elam ( Syretic ) 4. Mesopotamia ( Chaldean) 5. Judea (Phoenician) 6. Cappadocia ( Latin ) 7. Pontus(Arabic) 8. Asia ( Arabic) 9. Phyrgia ( 222) 10. Pamphylia (222) 11. Egypt (Demotic) 12. Libya (222) 13. Cyrene (222) 14. Rome ( Latin) 15. Crete ( Greek) 16. Arabia ( Nabatean ); and so he is responsible for translating it from the original on the Guise that a fire driven, cloven tongued Holy Spirit alighted upon these men in an Upper room and he immediately started translating from Galilean " Arabic " to other people’s tongues.
The New Testament was a " Play ". Part 3
The Pisos felt that they had a 'right' to make a new religion based on Judaism, because they were descendants of the Herodian/Hasmonean hierarcy that appointed the Jewish High Priests.
Arrius Piso was called 'Mountanus' in History. His name was Arrius, which is 'Mars'. In Acts 17:22 they insert Arrius' name by mentioning 'Mars' Hill'. That is 'Arrius Pagos', by making Arrius synonomus with 'hill' they make him a small mountain. If you stood at the bottom of Mars' hill, you could call it a mountain. But then others may argue that you were "making a mountain out of a mole-hill." Although, that's exactly what the writers of the New Testament did. The above phrase was an inner-circle reference, because the Hebrew word for 'mole' also meant 'chamelion', which Arrius Piso certainly was, as he blended himself into the background of 'history'.
As I said before, the 'history' books of the time, were not so much 'history' books, as they were family ledgers. So was the New Testament! They gave honor to their ancestors and themselves by writing them into the 'Book of Life' i.e., the New Testament. Also, by giving honorable mention to their relatives, they were giving (inserting) another way in which to claim authorship. It was one of the many ways that they used to 'copyright' their work. Of course, since the Herods were Arrius Piso's relatives, he wrote them into his story. Herod the Great (King Herod), was his (Arrius Piso's) great-great grandfather. Archelaus was his great-uncle, as were Antipas, Philip, and Herod the Tetrarch. Herodias (wife of Philip), was his great-aunt. Agrippa 1 was his grand-uncle, as was Tiberius Julius Alexander (brother of Tigranes). Aristobulus was his great-grandfather. Agrippa 2, Berenice 2, and Drusilla were his mother's first cousins.
"Salute Herodion, my kinsman". Romans 16, 11
Herod the Great., Matt. 2, 1-22
Luke 1, 5
Archelaus., Matt. 2, 22
Antipas., Matt. 14, 1-10
Mark 6, 14-28
Luke 3, 1, 19
Luke 8, 3
Luke 9, 7-9
Luke 13, 31
Luke 23, 7-15
Philip., Luke 3, 1
Herod-Philip., Matt. 14, 3-11
Mark 6, 17-28
Luke 3,19
Herodias.Matt. 14, 3-11
Mark 6, 17-28
Luke 3, 19
Salome. Matt. 14, 6-11
Mark 6, 22-28
Herod-Agrippa 1 Acts 12
Agrippa 2Acts 25, 13-27, 26
Berenice.Acts 25, 13-27, 26
Drusilla.Acts 24, 24
Aristobulus.Romans 16, 10
Tiberius Julius Alexander. Acts 4, 6
By using the word 'arsenou', they honor (phonetically) Arsinoe (Cleopatra's sister) in 1st Cor. 6:9, and 1st Timothy 1:10.
Ptolemy Auletes.
The 11th Ptolemy and father of Cleopatra, is honored in Matthew 4:23, and Rev. 18:22, by using his name 'auletes'.
Aulus Vitellius.
By his 'Aulus' name in Mark 6:15, Matt. 5:39, 1st Timothy 5:25, 1st Cor. 14:7.
Augustus Caesar.
In Luke 2:1
Arrius Piso.
Specifically by his name 'Arrius' in Acts 17:19 and 17:22; and as 'Appius' in Acts 28:15, as the Latin word for 'forum'. In Acts, 'Mars hill' is 'Arrius Pagos' in Greek.
They honor Otho by using the word 'othonion' for 'cloth' or 'bandage' in Luke 24:12, and John 19:40, 20:5-7.
Cleopatra Selene.
Anytime they use the word 'moon' in Greek, they honor Cleopatra Selene (Cleopatra's daughter). We find her name used in Mark 13:24, Matt. 24:29, Luke 21:25, and Acts 2:20, 1st Cor. 15:41, Rev. 6:12, 8:12, 12:1, 21:23.
Ptolemy Dionysius.
By his 'Dionysius' name in acts 17:34.
Ptolemy Lysanias.
By 'Lysanias' in Luke 3:1.
Claudius Caesar.
Acts 11:28, 18:2.
Persius the Poet.
'Persis' (dropped the 'u'), in Romans 16:12.
Boionia Priscilla
(Arrius Piso's wife). She is placed in the N.T. as the wife of Aquila ('the eagle', Romans 16:3), because she was married to Arrius Piso, who was now like the eagle at the top of the Roman standard! Also, 2nd Tim. 4:19 ('Prisca'), etc.Livy the writer. The family was related to Livy. Mentioned as 'Levi' in Luke 3:24, 29, and Luke 5:27, 29.
Marc Antony
(Marcus Antonius). Honored in the N.T. by the Title of the 'Gospel' book 'Mark'. Marc Antony was also a Caesar! His mother, was the sister of the Grandfather (Lucius Julius Caesar), of Julius Caesar (which makes him a 2nd Uncle of Julius Caesar!).
Cornelius Tacitus.
As 'Cornelius' in Acts 10:1, 3,7, 17,21, 22,24, 25,30,31.
Dio Chrysostom
(i.e., Trajan). By using the word 'Chrysos' for short, they honor Otho's nephew. 'Chrysos' means 'gold', as does 'Flavius'. It is used in Matt. 2:11, and all through the N.T.
Julius Caesar
(whom Julius Piso was named after). As 'Julius' in Acts 27:1, 3.
Julia Livilla
(Caligula's sister). In Romans 16:7 as 'Julia'.
Justus Piso.
As 'Justus' in Acts 1:23, 18:7, and Colos. 4:11.
Publius Hadrian.
As 'Publius' in Acts 28:7, 8.
Antiochus Soter
(ancestor of Arrius Piso, 'Soter' means 'Saviour', and is why Arrius Piso can also be a 'Saviour'). Whenever they mention 'Antioch', they allude to their ancestors of the Antiochan Dynasty, because Antioch was founded by Seleucus Nicator, who, named it after his father - Antiochus!
(their ancestor). In Acts 17:5, 6,7, 9, and Romans 16:21.
Rufus Corelius
(1st husband of Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina). As 'Rufus' in Mark 15:21 and Romans 16:13.
Annaeus Gallio
(Seneca's brother). As himself in Acts 18:12, 14,17.
Annaeus Seneca.
As 'Ananias' (phonetic equiv. of 'Annaeus' with 2nd 'n' switched with 2nd 'a'). In Acts 5:1, 3,5.
(wife of Philip of Macedonia). As 'Olympias' in Romans 16:15.
(the husband of Drusilla, daughter of Agrippa 1). In Acts 24:24.
As 'Obed' in Matt. 1:5 and as 'Jobed' in Luke 3:32 (Here, Arrius jokes about writing 'Job' as Josephus.
Gaius Calpernius Piso.
As 'Gaius' in Acts 19:29, 20:4, and in 1st Cor. 1:14, and Romans 16:23, and the 3rd epistle of John, verse 1.
(Secundus) the Younger. In Acts 20:4.
Lucius Calpernius Piso.
As 'Lucius' in Acts 13:1, and Romans 16:21.
Tiberius Caesar.
Luke 3:1.
Silius Titianus Italicus
(Otho's brother, and Trajan's father). As 'Italicus' in Acts 10:1.
(the High Priest). Remember, Arrius Piso writing as Josephus is 'Josephus ben Matthias', and he is descended from the High Priests. And Arrius was! 'Matthias' is in Acts 1:23, 26.
Lucan the Poet.
'Luke' is short for 'Lucan', Acts 16:10, 20:5.
John Hyrcanus.
As Josephus, Arrius Piso writes so much about John Hyrcanus, that the name 'John' becomes synonomus with 'Hyrcanus'. John Hyrcanus was Arrius piso's Great,Great, Great, Great, Great, Great-Grandfather! They honor him with the title of the Fourth Gospel. Also, 'Hyrcanus' is Greek for 'John' in Hebrew.
They allude to their relative (both through the Julian Caesars and the Domitii Ahenobarbii), when they speak of parricide (because supposedly, Nero killed his mother), in 1st Timothy 1:9. And, also in 2nd Tim. 4:22 by name.
Antigonas One-Eye.
Alluded to in Matt. 18:9, and Mark 9:47. Actually, they allude loosely to all of their relatives that had 'one eye' (it might have even been a title, like 'the lion' or 'the Great'), including Petronianus One-Eye, Petronius Arbiter's brother. Antigonas One-Eye was the brother of Alexander the Great.
T. Flavius Clemens.
'Clemens' is spelled out in Greek, by running words together in John 15:2, 4,5, 6. And Phil. 4:3.
Philip of Macedonia
(who was a Greek), had a son named 'Lagos', whose son was the 1st Ptolemy. The great-great grandson of the 1st Ptolemy married Cleopatra 1, who was an Antiochian. Their great-great granddaughter was Cleopatra 7 (the Cleopatra that we associate with Julius Caesar), her sister, Arsinoe, had a son who married Alexanra Regent (who was a Hasmonean i.e., Maccabee). Their daughter, was Mariamne 1 (who married King Herod). King Herod, was an Imudean. The Imudeans came from a branch of the Maccabees that sprang from Eleazor Auran (through his son Jason). And from King Herod, of course, sprang the Herodians. King Herod's grand-daughter Mariamne (Arria the Elder), married Vespasian's br*other, T. Flavius Sabinus 2 (a Flavian). Her daughter was Mariamne (Arria the Younger), who married Gaius Piso and when he died, Lucius Piso, both Caesars. The son of Gaius Piso and Mariamne (Arria the Younger), was Arrius Piso a.k.a. 'Flavius' Josephus (as you can see, he was already a Flavian).
The New Testament was a " Play ". Part 4
The New Testament was a Creation to keep the ruling people in charge by telling people they are the so called"chosen people". How does that affect us? It affects you like today, people are holding a Hebrew Bible and they think there is such a language and it is authentic when it’s not. They are holding a Greek New Testament and they think that it is authentic when it’s not, just like Muslims hold a new Arabic Koran and they think it is authentic or original when it’s not. This tactic of translating from the original language in which you can find the original word ending and putting it into second and third dialects and calling them modern standard or new version or even declaring a dialect a major language is a major form of deception and the root of World Religious confusion and men like Josephus and his band of Luciferians are responsible for this.
Most people are participating in their fabricated books and their Gods and their prophets Altered and changed to deceive them. And it all came originally from Egypt in a pure state. The very Jesus they worship, adore, and pray to and through, was none other than the Egyptian Neter " Supreme Being " Horus, Heru, Haru " the son of Osiris " Usir, Asaru " the Supreme God Who acted as an incarnation from the high supreme being Atum and his physical manifestation Re, to become Atum Re, The beginning of the Eastern Lights.
So what are we to do or what religion are we suppose to have or follow? None, you supposed to have a way of Life; religion is based on icon and images for worshipping. The Egyptians didn’t have any religions because they didn’t have any opposition. they had a way of life. They gave reverence to Nature or Pa Neteraat " The Supreme Beings " who repented " Nature ".
Pînă și faptul că încearcă să schimbe titlul Cristos în Hristos arată ce minte de criminali au "hretinii"
Nu de la de atunci, ci din 325, cand a fost votat ca adevaratul Dumnezeu, 381 la Constatinopol a fost declarat adevaratul om si circula ideea ca Hristos are doua naturi, "în întregime Dumnezeu și în întregime om". De aici polemica dintre Alexandria si Antiohia dacă are doua personalități.
Aici sa discutat de Fecioara Maria, de cele doua denumiri, născătoare de Hristos sau născătoare de Dumnezeu?
mai mult:
"The Ideea of Nicaea in the Early Church Councils, AD 431-451"
de Mark S. Smith
Pronuntarea corecta ar fi Hristos, evident ca in calendarele de dinaintea lui Hristos acesta poate nu era mentionat insa de la venirea lui pe pamant si pana acum, exista.
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