Intrebarea ta nu e o intrebare retorica, cu un raspuns prefabricat. Cercetatorii stiintifici ai Bibliei au raspuns la ea in felul urmator:
Cred ca acest raspuns merita funda! Oamenii calificati de sub toate credintele contribuie la aceste opinii.
Daca Duhul Sfant ar fi inspirat asa ceva, inseamna ca el e incompetent cand sunt greseli in Biblie sau in contrast, daca sa presupunem ca Duhul Sfant a zis adevarul, inseamna ca oamenii ce-s manati de Duhul Sfant nu le-a pasat ce a zis Duhul si tot incompetenti au ramas.
„John Goldingay, focusing specifically on inerrancy, summarizes the concern this way: "A stress on [biblical] inerrancy cannot safeguard people from a slippery slope that carries them from abandoning inerrancy to an eventual reneging on all other Christian doctrines. Indeed, it more likely impels them toward such a slope. The claim that scripture is factually inerrant sets up misleading expectations regarding the precision of narratives and then requires such far-fetched defenses... that it presses people toward rejecting it." [163] I think the same dynamic applies not only to inerrancy specifically but to biblicism more generally.
In such cases, the difficulty is not necessarily the fact of antibiblicist critiques per se. The real problem is the particular biblicist theory about the Bible; it not only makes young believers vulnerable to being disabused of their naive acceptance of that theory but it also often has the additional consequence of putting their faith commitments at risk. Biblicism often paints smart, committed youth into a corner that is for real reasons impossible to occupy for many of those who actually confront its problems. When some of those youth give up on biblicism and simply walk across the wet paint, it is flawed biblicism that is partly responsible for those losses of faith.
Insofar as these biblicism-caused outcomes are undesirable and unnecessary, we have another good reason to seek better alternatives to biblicism. In this Peter Enns is correct: "We do not honor the Lord nor do we uphold the gospel by playing make-believe." [164]
Biblicism simply cannot be practiced with intellectual and practical honesty on its own terms. It is in this sense literally impossible."
—Christian Smith, The Bible Made Impossible: Why Biblicism Is Not a Truly Evangelical Reading of Scripture
Ok, deci asta inseamna ca "duhul sfant", orice ar fi ala, e de parere ca femeia trebuie sa fie inferioara barbatului, ca e bine sa omori pe cineva doar pentru ca ti-a ofensat zeul sau credinta, sau ca soarele se invarte in jurul pamantului. Destept a mai fost duhul asta sfant al tau. A fost la fel de destept ca si cei care au scris biblia. Ce coincidenta...
Acesta nu este un loc bun de discutat despre credinta care lipseste cu desavarsire. Ba mai mult primesti jignituri si batai de joc. Nu le rani intelepciunea care sta ascunsa de coltul ratiunii si logicii, vazand unele raspunsuri pana si logica/ratiunea e lipsa.
Toate cele bune.
Normal că n-a stat nimeni să inventeze totul, e o întreagă colecție de cărți care au fost scrise separat după cum e bine cunoscut, cărți scrise de oameni diferiți. Prin urmare a fost un număr mare de oameni care au stat să "inventeze atâtea nume și etc". Apropo numele orașelor nu sunt inventate, poate doar dacă ne raportăm la Sodoma și Gomora. ( Poate nici alea, dar nu-s convins că au existat. )
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